"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

DOUGBROCK Felip Interview – Part 5

Original interview by DOUGBROCK
Retranslated to English for the general public by Sinking Fish
Original interview upload: January 29, 2023

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DOUGBROCK Radio Episode #89 Part 5 – The Rocksta Mentality

Dougbrock: So it was really growing. The growth was so fast, huh?

Felip: Yes, our fanbase expanded globally, and we gained international fans. We refer to our fans as A’TIN, and we got A’TIN supporters in various countries, including the US.

Dougbrock: Why A’TIN?

Felip: The simplest explanation would be because 18 comes before 19. At the same time, A’TIN is spelled as A then T-I-N. If you read it in Tagalog, that’s “atin” /a · tin/  which means “ours”. 

Dougbrock: Atin

Felip: So basically, whatever we achieve isn’t just for ourselves; it belongs to all of us. We’ll bring them along in our journey, wherever life carries us. They are a part of our achievements. They are the driving force behind our progress, so we’re here until now.

Dougbrock: Shout out to A’TIN. To all the members of A’TIN supporting Felip/Ken, and his entire group.

Okay, bro. So you guys continued, and the pandemic happened and all. I want to talk about you, bro.

What are your roots in music? Clearly, you ended up here in pop. You started with a ballad, but from “Go Up” to your group’s recent releases, your music evolved.

And it’s totally different from how I know you now! Right? Different from what I’ve seen. When I met you earlier, it’s a different you. This is a different character, if I may. Right? But explain to me. What is the difference between Ken [in SB19], and then you, Felip [as a solo artist]? 

What kind of sound? What kind of music? What should I expect from this?

Felip: It’s probably [like this]… Within our group, each of us, including Ken, naturally assumes our own roles. In terms of skills, our differences are minimal. I am assigned a specific role within the group. I am responsible for filling that role.

In our group, I’m not primarily involved in creating the music. Our leader takes charge of that. [But] It’s a collective effort—he asks what genre or type of music we want.

So that’s the process. “I want this part to be like this and that” And of course, he would tailor the lines accordingly for each member. Because we fit different vocal ranges—high, low, and just right—along with rappers. I think that’s where the distinction lies.

So, what sets Felip apart is I can do my own sound. Basically- this question is so hard! It’s the toughest question I’m constantly asked. All the time.

Dougbrock: Maybe it’s- from my perspective, within a group, you’re just an element of the music, even if you give it your 100%. But here [as Felip], it’s 100% you. The song is entirely you. Or something like that?

Felip: Hmm. Not really, because… How do I- it’s so hard! This question really puts me on the spot every time. I really struggle with this question!

Dougbrock: Alright, let’s move on. We’ll come back to it.

Felip: Let’s just come back to it. That part is just so hard!

Dougbrock: Yes, but I see that the passion remains the same. When I knew that you agreed to do the interview, I really researched your presence on social media. It honestly struck me as a different brand. I can say that I can really differentiate Ken from Felip; they have different colors, so to speak.

If I may, right? Their energy sets them apart but they’re both art. I can’t put a fitting description into words.

Felip: I can’t either!

Dougbrock: But bro, how did you think of this? What was your thought process in making a decision to “I’m going to put out Felip” which is your real name, right? Like here’s another artist—it’s still me, but it’s new.

Felip: Probably because this is the- Each of us has our unique tastes in music. So I believe this particular genre resonates with me. Although my musical interest is diverse—I’m a fan of metal bands; Japanese and Latin music. I listen to those so there’s a broad spectrum that I enjoy.

Dougbrock: You listen to a variety.

Felip: When it comes to Felip, he comes off as aggressive. Or [maybe] bold? Straightforward? 

Dougbrock: Edgy.

Felip: Yeah! Edgy, that’s it. While Ken, how do I… this is tough, man! It’s a struggle!

Dougbrock: Well, we’ll leave it up to you guys. Tell us the difference between Ken and of course, Felip. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! We’ll read it. Let’s see your opinions.

Felip: But probably with SB19, [my playful personality] comes out. Because when I’m with the group, we always mess around.

Dougbrock: Of course. You guys are close after all! It’s your group!

Felip: Yes, so we’d mess around and you can see it in our vlogs. We act like children [around each other] because we’ve been together for a long time.

Dougbrock: Trained together.

Felip: Yes, we’ve been together for so long, right? So-

Dougbrock: Even did a world tour together, and in the Philippines as well.

Felip: Mhm. So we’re like actual brothers, you could say. You know how it is with siblings, right? You can be super affectionate or have disagreements.

Dougbrock: Yeah, me and my brother would even beat each other up!

Felip: Right? It’s like that. So-

Dougbrock: Wait, we’re not saying it’s okay to do that, okay! It’s love.

Felip: Mhm. So I guess that’s what people see. Perhaps the A’TIN are the ones who could best differentiate between Ken and Felip. Not me.

In terms of skills, there isn’t any discernible difference. So it’s the music [that sets Ken and Felip apart], most likely.

Dougbrock: Different sounds, different fortes.

Felip: Yes, different fortes.

Dougbrock: Can I ask you one quick question? State the [name of the other] 4 members and describe them briefly. Name and description!

Felip: Hmm… Our leader, genius. [That’s] Pablo. Justin, very creative. Stell, multi-talented. Josh, what can I say… charismatic probably. He has this certain aura. I mean we all have our own auras when it comes to how we project ourselves, but that’s what I would say.

Dougbrock: That was cool. What about you guys? What do you [think is the perfect description] for Ken? Comment down below!

Felip: I don’t even know what they’re going to say!

Dougbrock: You all go ahead then! Let’s see. In one  short description, what is Ken of SB19? Comment down below! Anyway, bro, I’d like to talk about this Rapsta. I’ve seen Rapsta and this is-

Felip: Rocksta

Dougbrock: Oh sorry, sorry! Let’s talk about Rocksta. I’ve seen Rocksta. So it’s something that is new to the Philippine visual of hip-hop artists. What’s the thought process of this? It’s so solid!

This is one of his latest singles. Bro, what’s the story behind the song? Let’s start there. And then the visuals. It’s really nice.

Felip: The story behind the song- there was a time when I was disappointed with myself-

Dougbrock: This is your second single, right?

Felip: No, no. It’s the third one. Yeah, as Felip. Already the third single.

We all have moments of disappointments—being human and all, right? We all experience those times. But [ultimately], at the end of the day, you’ll [come to realize] that you’re the only one who can truly lift yourself up. Personally, I think no one else has the power to save me, but myself. So I have to find the motivation within myself. You could say, keep that flame of passion burning within you. And yeah.

If you really love something, aim to be the best. Set your sights on being the best, especially in pursuits you’re passionate about. Be better each day. Don’t settle for being the same today as you were yesterday. So yeah. Grow every day.

Dougbrock: Be better every day.

Felip: Be better every day. Not that it’s bad to- Whatever, that’s all! That’s the thing about me! It’s hard for me to explain things. I’d rather show things through actions.

Dougbrock: So that was your inspiration for this song. Now for the MV.

Felip: Oh no.

Dougbrock: Why was that the style? Why was it those visuals that you imagined? How did this happen? What’s the thought process and planning to reach “this is what we’ll release, this is what we want to showcase, this is Felip”?

Felip: So I’m the kind of person who, to a certain degree, is into fashion.

Dougbrock: Mhm, I can tell. 

Felip: Yeah, so-

Dougbrock: Enthusiastic for fashion.

Felip: Yeah, I find myself particularly captivated by painting styles or images that are unconventional or challenging to comprehend. It compels you to form your own interpretation. Am I expressing that accurately?

For example, there’s a painting. And it’s hard to understand. So what you perceive in a painting is unique to you; similarly, others interpret it through their own lens. Basically, each individual brings a different perspective to the same artwork.

So personally, I think that’s how it is with the music video. A lot of people wondered what the MV was trying to say to them. So it’s like the painting in question that’s hard to understand. Your interpretation is entirely yours to formulate; the meaning you derive from it is subjective. Whatever the music video conveys to you is open to your personal understanding.

Dougbrock: So that’s how you made it. That it would be a [blank] canvas, and it’s whatever they understood from what they watched.

Felip: But there is one symbolism in there. The flaming mic. You watched it, right?

Dougbrock: Yes, why did you need to emphasize that? What does it symbolize?

Felip: That’s my passion. There are lyrics [that go]:

“Roar, rise, pick it up”. So [even when] you’re really down, don’t ever lose that mic.

Pick it up again, stand up again.

“Pick it up, you got to”. You need to do it.

“Roar, roar, feeling like a rocksta”. Don’t ever lose that mic, that is your passion, don’t lose it. So to say.

There’s no time to be disappointed in yourself. Stand up, pick up the microphone, and [go about your day]. Because when I’m on stage, I change forms. Offstage, I’m lighthearted—people see me as such “He’s such a bubbly person!”

Because I’m comedic sometimes. But that’s when it’s just us, SB19! Because when we get on stage, we transform into something else, like we’re in our own worlds.

Dougbrock: You guys transform when you perform.

Felip: When I perform sometimes, it’s like I can’t see anything around me, like I’m alone. That’s the feeling every time we perform.

Dougbrock: So it’s really your own world, you love it that much.

Felip: In my world, I feel like a Rocksta. I am a Rocksta. Because the Rocksta I’m talking about is a mentality, not literally “Wow, the way he dresses- he’s a rockstar”. Just like this [podcast], you do these podcasts and you love [doing] it, right?

Dougbrock: Of course. Yes, yes.

Felip: And you’re truly giving it your all, embodying the essence of a rockstar. You have this cool confidence in your craft, much like him [the cameraman]! He takes photos and he’s doing his best to project his subjects in a way that his clients would like. And he loves what he’s doing. He’s a Rocksta, man! He’s exceptional, a true Rocksta in every sense of the word.

Dougbrock: Shout out to Mar Rosales, the producer of this podcast. He took pictures of Felip.

Felip: Yup, man, this guy is a Rocksta. A real Rocksta. So it’s a mentality.

Dougbrock: So it’s a mentality. You’re a Rocksta. Like MJ when he does his music, really really good- that’s a Rocksta.

Dougbrock: That’s the meaning of it.

Felip: At least for me!

Dougbrock: At least for you! And then you put out a blank canvas and then it’s up to them. They can be emotional to it, they can get sad, get happy. They can put it out there. Wow. That’s what an artist does.

Felip: I mean, it’s unique. I can say it’s unique.

Read PART 6 here.