"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Yes the Best Manila – Interview by Ganda Wanda Part 1

Original interview by DJ Ganda Wanda of Yes FM Manila
Translated to English for the general public by nami
Original interview upload: January 19, 2023
Part 2 here.

Yes! The Guest with Felip – The ROCKSTA!

DJ Ganda Wanda: Hello to our bes! (‘bes’ is Filipino slang, short for ‘best friend’; also used to refer to Yes FM’s listeners) A youthful and freshness-inducing Thursday morning to all of us! I’m Ganda Wanda and today we have a very, very special guest. Truly special! But before we introduce him, please share and like our Facebook live [stream].

Here goes. For our Yes! The Guest!, live with us here in the Yes The Best booth一he’s a performer, producer, songwriter, entrepreneur, taste maker in fashion and music, absolutely handsome and talented一please welcome Felip!

Felip: Good morning, Wanda! And of course good morning to all our bes. I hope you are having a good day.

DJ Ganda Wanda: For sure they’re having a good day because you’re here.

Felip: (smiling) Oh, I hope. I hope so. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: First of all, I’d like to greet you with a belated happy birthday.

Felip: Thank you.

DJ Ganda Wanda: You celebrated your birthday last week if I’m not mistaken.

Felip: Yes, last week. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: Let’s not do an age reveal anymore. We are the same age here. Alright, please greet our listeners tuning in this morning. 

Felip: Hello, bes! Thank you to all our listeners this morning. Always take care and stay safe. God bless you!

DJ Ganda Wanda: Okay. Can you tell us how you developed your love for singing and dancing? How did you start?

Felip: Growing up, both of my grandfather and father were pastors. So I grew up to be musically-inclined [like the rest] of our family. I was exposed to church music every Wednesday night, [every] Sunday. I think that’s the main reason why I got into music. When I saw my cousins and uncles, my sister, I would imitate them.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Yes, we assume that what we are surrounded with growing up is the default.

Felip: Exactly.

DJ Ganda Wanda: But it turns out not everyone can be talented. Felip is very talented. 

Felip: Thank you so much.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Aside from singing, what else do you do? Because you seem very busy.

Felip: Right now, I’m indeed very busy with [making] songs. But when I have free time I watch anime or play mobile games. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: Like?

Felip: PUBG, and the like. [That’s what] I play. In fact, we (referring to gamer friends) tried joining pro tournaments in PUBG. But we aren’t pros so of course we would lose. (laughs)

DJ Ganda Wanda: We didn’t include it here [in the introduction]. “…tastemaker in fashion and music, and a gamer.” I should’ve included that. 

Felip: Oh, yeah.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Alright, as a solo artist and the first FIlipino act to be featured in the Recording Academy Global Spin series, how did you feel about that? How was the experience?

Felip: Of course, without the fans that wouldn’t have been possible. It’s really our fans who push us and I am thankful to them. I am a small artist and it’s only been a short while since I started. When did I start… 20- 2020? Around that time. So I’m very grateful to our fans, the A’TIN and sisiws. Thank you so much to all of you. Love you!

DJ Ganda Wanda: The sisiws! And what do they call you?

Felip: [They call me] chicken. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: Chicken? 

Felip: That’s what they call me.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Why? Who decided that they are the chicks and you are the chicken?

Felip: It started in our [SB19] vlog before. We had a rap battle and Justin said, “You know what, Ken? You look like a chicken.” That was it. And I always eat chicken, it’s my favorite viand. That’s where everything originated from. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: So the fans adjusted for you and they embraced being [referred to as] sisiws.

Felip: Yes. They started calling themselves sisiws.

DJ Ganda Wanda: So in what way一since you mentioned Justin一in what way does being a member of SB19 help you when it comes to performing as a soloist? 

Felip: It’s honestly a big help to me, being a member of SB19. Since we already have quite the experience as a group; we’ve been together for a while now, four years, going on our fifth this year. As a performer, [though] we can’t say that we are already up there, but it’s a great help for me as a solo artist since that’s how I acquired all of my foundation as a singer and dancer. I’m thankful to have learned and experienced a lot from the group.

DJ Ganda Wanda: And of course, the members are supportive of you.

Felip: Yes. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: And look at the comments already starting to flood! The sisiws are in the comment section.

Felip: Hello sisiws

DJ Ganda Wanda: So apart from being the Breakout Soloist Felip, you are also called “style chameleon”. 

Felip: Wow.

DJ Ganda Wanda: What is your inspiration when it comes to fashion?

Felip: It depends. [Depends on] whatever I feel like wearing the moment I wake up, the vibe I want to go for for the day. I don’t base it off of someone thinking, “I’d like to be like them.” Just whatever I feel that day. You know when a person dresses comfortably, you also feel confident.  

DJ Ganda Wanda: Right. So it only means that you have a unique sense of fashion. Wow.

Felip: I’m not so sure if that’s how it’s called. All I know is that I get to project myself better.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Yes, it’s all about being comfortable and confidence.

Felip: Yes, exactly.

DJ Ganda Wanda: I was wondering, “Who is Felip’s inspiration? I’ll also imitate.” (laughs)

Felip: There are artists that I also look up to when it comes to fashion.

DJ Ganda Wanda: But when it comes to layering of clothes, it’s all you?

Felip: Yes it’s me. But here in the Philippines, you can’t do that. You’d bathe in your sweat!

DJ Ganda Wanda: (laughing) Can we please turn up the air con? Alright, here goes. For sure the sisiws and our bes are in the comment section. We’ll play a game. Are you G? (‘G’ stands for ‘game’/’go’, a FIlipino internet slang used for agreeing to an invitation).

Felip: G!

WATCH and READ the game portion of this interview here.

DJ Ganda Wanda: This time, please tell us more about the new single you’re promoting. What’s up, what can the chicks and our bes look forward to?

Felip: Of course. ROCKSTA is about self motivation. I’ll just talk about myself and the song. I wrote ROCKSTA to motivate myself to be a better person. And if there’s something you really love, aim to be the best [at it]. If you want to do something in life, aim to be the best [at it]. That’s it. I don’t have time to be lazy and feel disappointed about myself. Pick up that mic, roar and shout. That’s the message I want to convey with ROCKSTA. 

And it’s all about the feeling. You don’t have to take it at face value, being a rocksta. It’s all internal. What I feel. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: Nice. What is your favorite line in the song? Can you sing a sample for us, just a bit?

Felip: Should I sing it?

DJ Ganda Wanda: Just a bit.

Felip: (sings) Roar, rise, pick it up you gotta/ Hold it tight you better~ There. That’s my favorite line.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Why is that your favorite?

Felip: It’s kind of reminding myself to pick up the mic because every time I hold it, I feel like a different person. When I’m on stage, I feel like a real rocksta. I’m not going to lie about feeling that, okay? 

(both laughing)

It’s just that every time I’m holding a mic, I really feel like a different person on stage. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: Okay, I hope everyone who’s watching and those interested in your music can relate [to you] as well. There are also comments here. “Aim for the best!” says Ryssi. They said you’re using the mic! 

Felip: Yes.

DJ Ganda Wanda: What’s the story behind your microphone?

Felip: This one is a gift from my fans so thank you so much. It’s a promise. I’m using the mic you gave me. Thank you very much. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: “We love you and support you always, Felip.” 

Felip: Love you too.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Thank you to my bes. So where can we stalk you on social media?

Felip: You can find me on all social media [platforms] and just search for @felipsuperior. My YouTube channel too, FELIP. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: What else can we look out for [from you], this year?

Felip: ROCKSTA is out now on all [streaming] platforms so check it out if you haven’t. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: Maya says, “Rock the world.” Gosh, you know there are so many comments. So now Felip, you will cause this Facebook live [stream] to crash. (laughs) When I’m only by myself no one seems to watch, Felip had to join. 

Let’s read more comments. [From] Maricel: “Thank you so much. Aim for the best, sheesh!” Was that right? Did I get that right? How about Felip, one ‘sheesh’ please.

Felip: Sheesh!

DJ Ganda Wanda: Why is it that when he says it, it [sounds] natural. 

Felip: Sheesh!

DJ Ganda Wanda: Sheesh! Am I right?

Felip: Yes.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Oh my, it’s getting obvious that I’m not young and fresh! (laughs) Sheesh to all of us. I’m having a hard time. Emily, hello! Jasper, [too]. Felip can see your support and comments now. 

Felip: I’m reading them.

DJ Ganda Wanda: He’s reading them.

Felip:You are so loved by the sisiws.” Thank you so much. Thank you.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Bianca, Mark, I don’t think I can mention them one-by-one. There are a lot.

Felip: And also, let me add that my EP will be out on February 3. Yes.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Felip has so many surprises. What time did you wake up today?

Felip: I slept at 8 PM last night then I woke up at 1 [AM] because I had to talk with my producer. And I went back to sleep at 6 AM, then got up at 7 to prepare for today. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: Wow. Thank you so much for your time, Felip.

Felip: Thank you very much as well.

DJ Ganda Wanda: And to your effort today. I hope you had a good meal from a while ago.

Felip: Yes, I was so full. 

DJ Ganda Wanda: To our bes, thank you so much as well as the sisiws on our Facebook live [stream] right now. You can follow me on my Facebook account, Ganda Wanda; G-A-N-D-A-W-A-N-D-A. [On] Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok, @djgandawanda. Of course our Facebook Page, Yes The Best Manila to know who will be our next guest. 

[With] Felip, [the year is just] starting, it’s only January and he already has a lot in store. Again, a belated happy birthday to you. He did an age reveal! Isn’t it right for those who do an age reveal to receive grand gifts? Maybe that’s why I’m not receiving any gifts. And hello to everyone who’s joining our Twitter Party right now. Thank you so much Felip and congratulations to your new single and to what’s more to come.

Felip: Thank you very much.

DJ Ganda Wanda: Let’s bid our byes to our bes and sisiws. Thank you so much guys!

Felip: Goodbye everybody! Bes and sisiws!