"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Play FM Interview with DJ Rammy

Original interview by DJ Rammy of 99.5 Play FM
Translated to English for the general public by nami
Original interview upload: January 20, 2023

Felip Talks About Being a Rocksta and Explains COM.PLEX

DJ Rammy: Number one for new music and all hits, this is 99.5 Play FM. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, uncles and aunties from all over the world, this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! It feels like I’ve been waiting for this for three years since the start of the pandemic. 

We have singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, fashion icon, all-around entertainer, the one and only一give it up for Felip!

Felip: Hello everybody! That introduction gets me hyped up. Hello to all of you, thanks for tuning in right now. I hope we all have fun today. 

DJ Rammy: Yes! We also have some friends and others with Felip here in the studio. Make some noise! 

Okay it’s been a very very long day for Felip. I think it’s his fifth interview so we’re gonna try our best to make this fun not only for our listeners but also for him. I want to start off by saying congratulations.

Felip: Thank you very much.

DJ Rammy: Man, congratulations for all the success. Even during the pandemic you guys (referring to SB19) were on a roll. And now you have this一you have the EP一which is coming out… simultaneously? (pertaining to the songs)

Felip: Yeah it’s gonna be released on February 3.

DJ Rammy: COM•PLEX will be out on February 3. But the song we’re gonna talk about today is “ROCKSTA.”

Felip: Yes, “ROCKSTA.”

DJ Rammy: Congratulations. Did you do this during the pandemic?

Felip: Yes. Ah, no! I wrote “ROCKSTA” during our world tour.

DJ Rammy: Wow!

Felip: Yes, last year. When did we… 

DJ Rammy: Just during your world tour.

Felip: Yes. I wrote it on the plane.

DJ Rammy: So even while on tour, you’re still writing?

Felip: I am, yes. 

DJ Rammy: Where else, aside from the airplane?

Felip: At the end of our schedule during the tour. I brought my laptop with me so after each concert, at the hotel, I got back to it and made music.

DJ Rammy: Great job. And when you got back to Manila, that was when you finalized and recorded everything?

Felip: Yes, yes.

DJ Rammy: If I may ask, aside from the songwriting, what else do you take part of in the production? Are you also the one to play the instruments? Do you think of the beats, the melodies? What else?

Felip: Everything actually.

DJ Rammy: Everything! 

Felip: But I did have some help. I had producers with me. They would come by my house. I’d ask if he was busy, and when he was free to go, I’d invite him to come over to work on a song. Every time I think of something, he’s always up for it as well. His name is Jake Masca.

DJ Rammy: Shout out Jake!

Felip: Cool guy. He really was the one I worked with in this EP.

DJ Rammy: Thank you, Jake.

Felip: I worked with German producers too.

DJ Rammy: Nice. So it’s a team effort. Alright, out of the six songs in COM•PLEX, why did you choose to release “ROCKSTA” first?

Felip: Wow, this is a new one. It represents myself, that’s how I am and how I feel. And to send a message to the listeners that if you really want to do something you love, might as well aim to be the best [at it]. 

DJ Rammy: Oh, so a rock star?

Felip: Yes. Feel like a rock star. Because in my own world I am a rock star. 

DJ Rammy: Like you become unstoppable.

Felip: Exactly. In my world.

DJ Rammy: As simple as that. So we’ve explained “ROCKSTA” and I know that you’ve answered this a lot of times already but why is your EP named COM•PLEX?

Felip: Complex. It refers to two [opposing] feelings, the complexities of a person. Since we’re humans, we have negative thoughts that are inevitable but sometimes we also feel confident. The EP revolves around those feelings. With what I’ve said, I know we all feel that. It exists and it’s normal. Having said that, we should embrace our complexities because they make us unique.

DJ Rammy: And I think they’ll get a better idea once they listen to the EP. February 3! Mark your calendars. Maybe Felip would have some surprise on Feb. 3 so guys, you need to watch out for it.

Felip: Watch out for it guys; it’s getting closer.

DJ Rammy: Very close, just hang on there a bit more. 

Felip: Yes.

DJ Rammy: You mentioned that people have some thoughts, insecurities, and complexities. Why is it important for them to- so for example, I might not feel very confident about myself or my skills. Why is it important for me to accept that and learn from it? Based on your experience.

Felip: For me, self-acceptance comes before improvement. You have to love yourself first. Personally, I did not like my deep voice before. As an example, I used to hate it. I lost my higher range when I hit puberty. It was only a few years back that I realized I could utilize it as a weapon. It has now become my signature [sound]. I have learned to love that part of me and am now using it as my weapon. [The] fans love it. 

DJ Rammy: It’s like a full-circle moment. Something you used to dislike, is part of why you have a successful career now. 

Felip: Yes, it plays a vital role for me. I started loving it. So yeah, hone it and enhance it to your advantage.

DJ Rammy: Instead of looking at it negatively, look at the bright side and think of how it will work out in your favor, right? Like this is something that could make me unique and it could even be like you showed, something I could use for my future.

Felip: (nodding) Mhm.

DJ Rammy: Man I just got goosebumps.

Felip: That’s true. That’s what I did. SB19 knows it, the people know it. 

DJ Rammy: Congrats on that man. And I think many will learn from that experience of yours. 

Felip: I hope so. 

DJ Rammy: Now, [going back to] “ROCKSTA,” the track. What is it about rock stars that got you hooked to the point that you made a song out of it? Did you watch or have a certain rock star you idolize? 

Felip: I’m a metalhead myself. I look up to a lot of metal bands as well. But “ROCKSTA” is a reminder to myself that, “You have no time to be disappointed with yourself. You don’t have time [to dwell] on things that let you down.” The mic represents my passion. “Pick it up and shout. You can do it. You’re the best. You’re a rocksta.”

“ROCKSTA” does not mean as is; it’s a feeling. You have your own world and you’re a rocksta in that world. 

DJ Rammy: And it doesn’t only apply to music or being a musician or a performer [but] in any field. Say for example, myself. I am a DJ here. 

Felip: You’re a rocksta!

DJ Rammy: If I have that rocksta mindset, I’d feel like I got this. I feel a boost in my self confidence and I’d be able to do it to the best of my capability. Wow. 

So here’s another question. Coming from a group, you have accomplished a lot. What is something that came as a surprise for you as you’re now going solo? What is the challenge for you now that was not there before?

Felip: (laughing at what he’s thinking about) The challenge for me are the interviews. 

DJ Rammy: Okay, okay! I get that since you’re the only one to answer this time.

Felip: Yes. I’m not really good at interviews. I get a mental block every time… like right now, with your questions man! (laughs)

DJ Rammy: I’m really enjoying this right now. I think so far, so good. Right, guys? 

(studio audience cheering)

Felip: So far, so good. Yeah.

DJ Rammy: Like we’re just having a casual chat. All I’m thinking of right now is that you’re a close buddy of mine.

Felip: Yes, exactly.

DJ Rammy: This is like the way I’d talk with my friends.

Felip: This is actually nice.

DJ Rammy: Very chill and natural, right? So next question. Apart from all the awards and recognitions you have received一maybe as a group or as a solo performer一what do you personally consider is your greatest achievement so far?

Felip: Not gonna lie, I think completing the EP. 

DJ Rammy: Oh wow. 

Felip: That for me [is my greatest achievement so far]. It has given me a different level of satisfaction. When I finish a song, it takes me till the next morning listening to it over and over. 

DJ Rammy: That’s exciting. 

Felip: The satisfaction that it gives me is incomparable.

DJ Rammy: So six songs in the EP. Were there other songs you’ve made that didn’t make the cut?

Felip: Yes, yes.

DJ Rammy: [Must be] a lot. Wow, I’m not going to ask how many.

Felip: Supposedly, there should have been more [than six] but they were complaining so… (laughs) 

DJ Rammy: So next time, in the future!

Felip: I’ll just add this one! No?” Alright then. It ended up with six. 

DJ Rammy: Let’s just say that’s a teaser for the future. So they have something to look forward to.

Felip: Yes, in the future. Yes. 

DJ Rammy: Thank you for sharing all of that with the music.

Felip: Thank you very much as well.

DJ Rammy: I want to ask about your fashion this time. Your style. As we all know, you’re also very well-versed when it comes to fashion. You also have your own brand, SUPERIORSON. You’ve been busy with music but do you have any plans on moving forward with SUPERIORSON? 

Felip: Of course, that’s part of [the plans for] the future. My attention right now may not be on it since I’m mostly focusing on my music but maybe soon. Maybe months after, let’s see.

DJ Rammy: Months after. Exciting. I heard that it sells out really fast!

Felip: (smiling) Yeah.

DJ Rammy: Amazing.  

Felip: The power of A’TIN!

DJ Rammy: Those who’ve gotten their SUPERIORSON merch are very lucky. Alright, this one’s not in the script and I hope you don’t mind. But I don’t think it’s hard [to answer]. I know that in music you like rappers and rock stars. But when it comes to dancing, who would you say are your top three favorite dancers? It can be international or local. Who do you find really good when it comes to dancing? 

Take your time. While you’re thinking I want to remind everyone that we are live broadcasting here, on-air and online. We are with Felip! He seems ready [to answer] now.

Felip: Maybe Keone Madrid, Chris Brown, and Tight Eyez.

DJ Rammy: Let’s cheers to that! Let’s go! If you know, you know!

Felip: (smiling) If you know, you know. 

DJ Rammy: Just with Keone… wow. Thanks for sharing that. And I think it’s just about time that we ask you some questions from the listeners. 

Felip: Yes. 

DJ Rammy: Because I have asked my questions. Our listeners and your fans have also sent in theirs. If you don’t mind, here’s Rye from Twitter. Hello, Rye! She wants to ask, “How long does Felip take to complete the songs in COM•PLEX?” Or maybe one song. How long does one song take for you to finish? Average [time it takes].

Felip: In the EP, I think I wrote two [or] three songs in a span of a week.

DJ Rammy: Wow, okay. So it’s different [time frame] per song?

Felip: Yes because I really wanted to include them. After finishing one, I would immediately start writing another at night. So perhaps two [songs] per week.

DJ Rammy: Two songs per week. I think that’s relatively fast. That’s really fast compared to the others.

Felip: I squeezed out my brain like I had no choice. I liked it (referring to a song in the EP) so I wrote it quickly so I could include it.

DJ Rammy: You had to finish it quickly. So Hannah from Twitter. You have the option to answer this or not, we’ll totally respect that. “Are there any collaboration songs in COM•PLEX?” It’s up to you to answer that or not.

(Felip moves away from the mic)

No comment? Next question?

Felip: (laughing) What do you guys think?

DJ Rammy: I think we’re going…

Felip: No, it’s all me. 

DJ Rammy: Okay, okay. Thank you. Cecille from Twitter: Are there any concerts or performances happening anytime soon? 

Felip: None so far.

DJ Rammy: We’ll see, we’ll see. Last is Jessica from Twitter. “What is your current favorite pastime? What do you do when it’s not work or music or fashion?”

Felip: Reading manga, manhwa, playing mobile games.

DJ Rammy: Wooh! Which mobile games? 

Felip: PUBG

DJ Rammy: No COD?

Felip: Yes, I play COD too sometimes.

DJ Rammy: Sometimes? Okay! Battle Royale or Multiplayer?

Felip: Arena. 

DJ Rammy: Okay, okay! That just about wraps it up, ladies and gentlemen. Again, it’s been an absolute honor, Felip. Thank you on behalf of Play FM, all your fans and all your listeners. Thank you not only for the interview, but for the music. 

Felip: Thank you very much.

DJ Rammy: Thank you for blessing us with more music. Now, we’re going to hear one song but on February 3, watch out guys! February 3, he’s going to release COM•PLEX. Six whole songs for everybody! 

Felip, before we play the song, do you want to greet the listeners? Say hello and thank you.

Felip: Of course I want to thank A’TIN for spending time with us today. Thank you so much Play FM for having me here. And please look forward to COM•PLEX EP this coming February 3. The “ROCKSTA” music video will be out later at 8 PM, check it out and enjoy! And follow me on social media, @felipsuperior for my future events. My YouTube channel is FELIP and last but not the least, I want to thank Warner PH for helping and giving me the opportunities. Thank you very much!

DJ Rammy: Guys let’s give Felip a round of applause. Five interviews in one day! It’s a wrap!

Felip: What an achievement!

DJ Rammy: Okay, I can feel your excitement when you speak about music and COM•PLEX. I want to congratulate you in advance come Feb. 3. Wooh!

Felip: Me too, super excited! 

DJ Rammy: So without further a do, Felip please do the honor of introducing the next song.

Felip: Our next song today is called “ROCKSTA”. Let’s go!