"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Tag Halina Interview by Pepper Reu

Original interview by Pepper Reu of Tag Halina | Tag 91.1
Translated to English for the general public by nami
Original interview upload: February 8, 2023

Felip Shows his Individuality with ‘COM.PLEX’

Pepper Reu: Hello to our besh! (‘besh’ is a term used to address We Love Radio listeners.) Here we are again, we’re featuring one artist whom we can say is not that new to the music industry as they have recently visited here in Dubai (referring to SB19) but today, we get to talk with him solo. We have SB19’s Felip! How are you?

Felip: I’m good, I’m good. Thank you for inviting me here. Thank you very much.

Pepper Reu: So you’re releasing a new song and of course before that, these [first] two songs (pertaining to “ROCKSTA” and “STRAYDOGS”) are actually part of your EP entitled COM•PLEX

Felip: Yes.

Pepper Reu: Would you care to share about that? Why complex?

Felip: COM•PLEX talks about the complexities a person has, which fluctuates between feeling weak and [appearing] confident on the outside. Despite our weaknesses, [we should] embrace our flaws. We are humans and it’s normal for us to have these. Instead of getting disappointed with yourself, you must [focus on] honing and enhancing them to your advantage in the future. You can [turn this] into your biggest weapon in the future.  

Pepper Reu: That’s a worthwhile process. Because it’s true that we as human beings are, and this thing we call life is, indeed complex. Nothing is ever just that simple when you look at it. I like what you said about weaknesses. We do have our own weaknesses, our own vulnerabilities; but when you talk about these things, it can actually be your greatest strengths as well later on.

Felip: Yes, exactly.

Pepper Reu: You chose [to release] this as your EP. Now you’re going solo and this is the time for you now. In what way do you say that embodies you as an artist, your EP? 

Felip: This is a hard question. I mean, COM•PLEX is a bridge for me to share how I really feel. As artists, we limit or filter what we can show and say. But [through] music—through COM•PLEX, I can relay my true feelings to the crowd, to our fans. Also, artists tend to be seen as perfect human beings but that is not true at all. We also have our weaknesses and [own] negative thoughts. But it’s fine because like what I have said earlier, we are just human beings meant to go through these things.

Also as a solo artist, I was able to explore music more through COM•PLEX. I could focus on my artistry and I am not boxed; I could do what I want with my music, [share] how I feel and [create] what sound I’d like people to hear from me. I’m free.

Pepper Reu: Yes, exactly. You have the freedom to take risks, right? Given that you are not part of a group — since you are established as one already, you have put down your identity as SB19; but now as Felip, [you’re] going [solo] — not really leaving the group, but you’re just showing this other side of you. 

Felip: Precisely.

Pepper Reu: Yeah, that’s nice. And yes, you have your EP COM•PLEX and now you’re releasing this song called “STRAYDOGS.” Would you like to share your influences and what this song is about?

Felip: Influences… I think the influence [for it] is Western hip-hop since I always listen to Western rappers as well. That’s what influenced “STRAYDOGS.” And it talks about how being an artist doesn’t necessarily equate to people liking you. There will be people to criticize you and whatever you do, they will always have something to say. And when it comes to your sound, it’s not going to please everyone. I just want to send the message that whatever people throw at you, just be yourself. Do as you wish without hurting other people; still be considerate to what they might feel towards what you do. [But] don’t let it affect you [negatively]. 

Pepper Reu: That’s good. I like how you said that. I like that message. Like, be you. Just do you without hurting anyone else. You still have that responsibility to be considerate of others. Really nice, I like that.

You said that your influences are more on Western rappers and all that. So who is your favorite rapper?

Felip: My favorite rapper is Kendrick Lamar, I think. Yeah. And Post Malone too.

Pepper Reu: Oh okay, Post Malone [too]. And it goes to show also that who your influences are, affect your kind of musicality and how you do things. But it’s also a mixture of who you are as an artist. [Say], since this is your influence, how do you take that and make it your own as you, as Felip.

Felip: Yes.

Pepper Reu: And with that, we’ve talked about “STRAYDOGS” and your influences. This time, given that I have you here, let’s have you rate your own song. 

Felip: Wow. 

Pepper Reu: What is your Popcorn React (segment of We Love Radio: TAG 911 where guest artists react to a piece of media) rating to “STRAYDOGS?”

Felip: (thinking)

Pepper Reu: We seem to be contemplating here. 

Felip: Nine [out of 10]. I think 9.

Pepper Reu: Wow, 9. Why, 9?

Felip: I worked hard for it. Of course, I’d give it a high score but given that there were limitations, speaking from a resource-wise standpoint, I think that’s why I’m giving it a 9. 

Pepper Reu: Still a good score, still a good score.

Felip: Yup, still a good score. Of course, I [also] give credit to where it’s due—to the people who helped me and for all our efforts. But I’m still giving it a 9.

Pepper Reu: Let’s put it this way: there’s always room for improvement.

Felip: Yes. 

Pepper Reu: What else do you want to achieve, in your solo debut? What’s the goal that you want to achieve?

Felip: One thing that I really want to achieve is to further expand our reach, not only mine but us SB19. And for people to know that we’re versatile artists; we can do much more than one genre. We can make this type of sound, that type of song. We want to share that we can do so much more. Yes. 

Pepper Reu: Wow, alright we’ll be watching out for that. Okay last question, not necessarily a question; [if there’s] anything you want to say to your fans here in UAE, please do so.

Felip: Everyone, thank you so much, especially to A’TIN. Thank you so much for supporting me and thank you so much for supporting the group, still. My EP COM•PLEX is out now, please listen and enjoy. I hope you appreciate my work and of course for my future events and to know more about me, just search for @felipsuperior in all [social media] platforms. The music video for “STRAYDOGS” will be released on February 10, please look forward to it. It will be on my Youtube channel, just search for ‘FELIP’. Thank you so much.