"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Special Cho! A&G Japan Feature: Felip on Anime and His 7sins Album

Original feature by Nippon Cultural Broadcasting A&G
Special thanks to Kurakuramarud for the transcriptions
Interview broadcast: September 7, 2024

As part of his week-long Japan promo tour, Felip was invited for an exclusive interview at Nippon Cultural Broadcasting A&G, Japan’s largest anime, game, and voice actor radio station. Prior to the segment, the program collected anime and gaming questions from Felip’s fans to ask him on the program. Aside from anime and gaming topics, the program also aired the 7sins album and with each song the hosts asked Felip about the inspiration and message of the song. The exclusive interview was aired on September 7, 2024.

Five minutes before the program officially started, Felip playfully introduced himself as an ikemen from the Philippines. The word “ikemen” is derived from the Japanese words “ikeru” meaning cool and “menzu” a Japanization of “men”. It’s a term to describe a “handsome cool guy”.

When the program started, Felip formally introduced himself in Japanese.

Felip: Konnichiwa, minna-san, Felip des .

Answering Anime and Gaming Questions from Fans

Misako: You often watch anime other than Kuroko’s Basketball right?

Felip: Yeah, I watch a lot of anime. There’s a lot actually that I can’t remember now. I watch a lot of anime, and whenever it’s my day off or my free time, I just read manga. Whenever I eat, or when we have a break from filming videos, like filming for commercials (ads), I’ll be on my phone to watch anime and read manga. It’s really my stress reliever, because I always think about work, about music, so sometimes I want to get away from that reality, of just working every time. So I read manga too, to relax my mind, that is why. 

Misako: What is Felip’s special skill?

Felip: Writing lyrics and music. I’m also good at sports. I’m also good at watching anime and reading manga all day long. 

Misako: What anime are you currently watching?

Felip: I Want to be a Powerhouse Behind the Scenes, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Demon Slayer 

Misako: What was the first anime you watched?

Felip: It’s Dragon Ball Z. It’s famous all over the world and it’s crazy.

Misako: Is it dubbed in Filipino?

Felip: It’s dubbed in Tagalog (a Filipino language). On TV, it’s dubbed in Tagalog but you can watch it in Japanese online. I like listening to Japanese voice actors’ lines so I still watch it in Japanese. 

Misako: Who are the Japanese artists whom you wish to collaborate with?

Felip: Yuki Chiba, a member of Bad Hop – because I like hip-hop.

Misako: What type of  anime would you like to produce a theme song for?

Felip: Otherworldly, science fiction and sports 

Misako: Who would you like to be if you were reincarnated as an anime character?

Felip: I’d like to be Rimuru Tempest from Tensura. I like the feeling of being overwhelmed. 

Misako: All our topics are about anime!

Felip: Sometimes, I get inspiration from anime lines. I’m especially inspired by lines I can relate to from my own personal experiences. 

Misako: What food did you eat, onigiri?

Felip: Filipinos love rice. Japanese food feels fresh. Spam, egg, and of course seaweed are also delicious. It’s very convenient to eat. But, it’s difficult to remove the plastic wrap from the rice balls. The seaweed always cracks.

Misako: Japanese people find it difficult too.

Felip: Oh! That’s a relief to know. 

Felip explains the 7sins album concept and the message behind each song

Misako: Please tell us the meaning behind the album title and the concept of the album.

Felip: Actually, I didn’t have a concept from the beginning. When I was talking with one of my co-producers, he suggested that I try the seven deadly sins. At that time I was excited, but I hadn’t written a single song yet. We think of deadly sins and we tend to think of them as having rather a dark or heavy tone. But I think it depends on how the song is written and how it is interpreted. I thought it was interesting.

Misako: What was your intention of including “foes” and “ache,” which are included in the album other than the seven sins?

Felip: “foes” was one of the last songs I wrote. Originally it was intended to be 7 songs, so I didn’t intend to include “ache” or “foes.” I thought it would be good to use the 8th song as the ending. And then I thought it would be nice to have an intro and an ending. I think it’s natural that we make mistakes because we’re human. But there is salvation in the end. 

Misako: Please tell us about “envy.”

Felip: “envy” is the emotion of envy. Some people have aspects better than others. Sometimes, people envy us without us knowing, and they might hate you for it. That inspired me to write this.

Misako: Did you draw any inspiration from anime or manga when creating the MV for “envy”?

Felip: Yes, there is that too. Opening songs for anime are really cool. I thought it would be difficult to incorporate that in a music video. But there’s really cool elements that make you feel magical. This time I want to make it look like I’m in a world of anime. When it comes to music videos, I often create the concept myself. Many are often inspired by anime. 

Misako: I saw the MV and it’s really cool.

Felip: Arigato. My fans are really supportive, konnichiwa, matane

Misako: It’s not over yet don’t say matane (it’s means See you later in Japanese)

Felip: Madamada! Gomen.

Misako: Please introduce us to “wrath.”

Felip: [Some things get] stuck in my head. After all, some people leave negative comments based on their own point of view. But since I’m an artist, I can’t say anything back directly. My music serves as a bridge to convey what I really want to say. I often write songs about what I’m really thinking or feeling. In this case, it’s anger. 

Misako: Please tell us about “greed.”

Felip: This song is about greed. Some people try to take advantage of others. I wrote this song with a friend from Belgium. The song was originally hers but it was unfinished, so we completed it together and I asked her if I can include it in my album. I also want the listeners to understand their own worth, and love themselves more. There’s also a message that maybe it’s okay to [be alone] a little longer and look within yourself. 

Misako: Please tell us about “pride.”

Felip: I’m proud to be a Visayan myself. That’s why this song includes Visayan language, my mother tongue. I want everyone to be proud of their roots, their starting point. For example, even if it’s a small company, I want you to take pride in your work. I think my native language is kakkoi. I think my mother tongue is beautiful and I’m proud of it. I want to include it in my songs as much as possible. As an artist, I think it’s important to write in your native language.

Misako: Please tell us about “gluttony.” 

Felip: This song has a story feel to it. Eating too much, drinking too much, excessive intake is not good. I believe that as human beings, we should act responsibly, and I want people to think carefully. There is a point of no return. Especially since my fanbase is mostly young, I tell them to take responsibility for their own actions.

Misako: Please tell us about “lust.”

Felip: Oh, lust is really that desire, you know. If I’ll really explain it, it’s actually bad. But I just want to be real with myself too. Oh no, this one is really hard to explain! I really wrote something that is the title itself, so I wrote something about lust too. It’s really for adults, the desire to be with someone or somebody. So kids, don’t listen to this song, hahaha! This is really hard. But when you love someone and feel that way, you go beyond your limits and do something. I think I did great explaining, right?

Misako: Please tell us about “sloth.” 

Felip: This is actually a love song. Its message is, if I can’t be with someone I really love, then I don’t want to do anything else. I’ll just be lazy, just be lying around. If I’m not with you, then I don’t wanna do anything else. So, I just want to be with you, haha! So like that, like that. (blushing and covering his face)

Hoping to See Felip’s Music in an Anime Series in the Near Future

After the recording aired in A&G’s official broadcasting channel, Misako the program host expressed her experience from the exclusive interview. Here are some of the commentaries from Misako: 

“Thank you to all the listeners who listened to the show. FELIP was also very happy to receive so many messages from people overseas on social media and by email! It was a bit nerve-wracking to be the MC for the first time in a while, but it was a lot of fun talking about anime.”

“FELIP’s team was really nice, and the staff was watching us outside the booth, looking very happy and in a groove… I was so moved by the smiling faces on the floor that I almost cried a little after the recording…”

“Thank you for listening to the radio. When I told him that I had received a lot of comments on my SNS, he happily said, `’Many of my fans are passionate.’ I hope one day he makes a song for a Japanese anime.”

No doubt, Felip left a wonderful impression on the anime and gaming community in Japan in his short visit to promote his first solo concert and album release in his dream country. With his discography featuring remarkable experimental beats and fusion hip-hop and metal genres, it’s only a matter or time before Felip’s music extends to his other passion– anime. We’ll look forward to this project, hopefully in the near future!

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