"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

ABS-CBN News Exclusive Felip Interview on PUBG Mobile Collab

Original interview by ABS-CBN News
Translated to English for the general public by Akiyo Jenz
Original interview upload: July 11, 2024

PUBG Mobile collaboration, a dream come true for Felip

Question: So how important is this collab with PUBG for you and your community?

Felip: This is really important to me as an avid fan of PUBG who has been playing for 5 years. I haven’t stopped despite not being that good of a player. I’m really just doing it to enjoy and spend time with my friends.

And of course, I represented my real self and my roots. As a Bisayan artist for example, I was also able to incorporate the language when we made a voice over pack. [in which you can hear my voice] There are Bisaya lines there. I am really proud because I think it is the first time to have a Bisaya voice pack in PUBG. That’s it, I am really grateful for everything, especially to PUBG for giving me this opportunity.

Q: How did you feel when you found out that you were going to collaborate with PUBG?

Felip: I felt overjoyed as if I was the happiest person on earth. I’ve been dreaming of that for a long time. I was even telling my friends this – What if by chance PUBG noticed me and decided to work with me? You see, I am not a pro player, so as an artist, I was just so happy that they recognized me. They recognized my solo music. And of course, it is also because of the support of the fans. That’s how PUBG got interested in working with me.

Q: Could you briefly walk us over on the creative process of conceptualizing the in-game items with you?

Felip: It was really a collaborative effort. As an artist, I have my own creative direction and of course PUBG team also have their creative vision for the project. And so we met half way.

A lot of design deliberation went into it. It was quite a lengthy process that required feedback exchanges. And not just virtual meetings, we also met in person for the project.

So yeah, I’m just so happy because PUBG has been really open. They encouraged me by saying, “Be yourself, be genuine. We don’t want to force you to do things not aligned with your true character. It won’t be nice to show the people a character that isn’t actually you.”

So that’s why I was so happy. I was also surprised actually to be honest. I thought to myself, “Wow, PUBG is so open with everything and they also accepted my vision.” Especially because I also have my preferences. I was just so happy and very thankful. It wasn’t a mistake to support PUBG from the start, to become a PUBGM player and to really love PUBG.

Q: Final message to your fans and fellow PUBG Players who showed support towards the collab.

Felip: I just want to thank my fans for supporting me from the beginning up to now. For that I am very grateful for everything I am receiving.

And to my fellow PUBG players, be confident with yourselves. I know you enjoy playing PUBG but also be mindful of the time you spend on gaming and balance it with your responsibilities. You know, we shouldn’t forget our studies. I know that most of you are students, so, do not forget your responsibilities. And yeah, just always enjoy playing PUBG. And, enjoy trash talking with the other players, haha! Yeah, spend time with your friends. Enjoy!

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