"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

FELIP the Dream Weaver — 7sins Japan Concert: A Dream Come True for Him and Us

Felip 7sins concert Japan

FELIP, a name synonymous with anime passion and musical brilliance, has always dreamed of bringing his artistry to Japan—the epicenter of anime culture. For fans like me, Japan is the ultimate anime playground. And guess what? FELIP didn’t just come to the Land of the Rising Sun to roam; he brought his music, his art, and his flag to the country he once only dreamed of! For an artist like FELIP who has long admired Japan and its rich culture, … Read more

Embracing Faults to Finding Freedom, A ‘7sins’ Album Concert Fan Experience

7sins Album Concert stage

How do you encapsulate a mind-blowing, once in a lifetime whirlwind experience? Felip’s electrifying 7sins Album Concert flew by so quickly, that I am left with a thousand shimmering pieces of memories strewn about. One thing I am certain of however, is that I must have witnessed something spectacular.  Let me try to find the words. Tidy Beginnings at Space, One Ayala Flying in from a different city after work, and already late for strapping, I was afraid I’d have … Read more