"You can't feel love if you can't feel pain."
- Felip, Warner Music Philippines 30 Picks

Easy Rock Plugged In – Interview by DJ Nick Part 1

Original interview by DJ Nick of Easy Rock Manila
Translated to English for the general public by nami
Original interview upload: January 19, 2023
PART 2 here.

96.3 Easy Rock Felip Interview – ROCKSTA Radio Tour

DJ Nick: We had some technical difficulties earlier, but thank you for being very patient. And I know that the fans of our artist today are very very supportive, and you would understand.

Welcome to Easy Rock Plugged In! My name is Nick, and today is my first interview of the year. I’m sure you are all excited about it, you’ve probably seen his interviews in our other sister-stations but please welcome, with me face-to-face, Felip!

Felip: Hello, A’TIN! Hello, sisiws! Thank you so much for having me here. To all A’TIN watching, please take care always.

DJ Nick: Good afternoon to you, Felip. How are you? You’ve been around our stations a while ago and I even heard the sisiws.

Felip: Yes. Of course it feels good to be here, being able to share my music in your station.

DJ Nick: And we’re very happy. We’re looking forward to playing some of your songs, perhaps in the future. But of course we’ll start with this question.

I know your fans already know but for those who don’t who are watching right now and are kind of confused — because we know you’re from SB19 as Ken — how did you come about with the name “FELIP”?

Felip: Actually, Ken is my nickname. And Felip is my real name. [From] Felip Jhon.

DJ Nick: Felip. Okay.

Felip: I have decided to use Felip to not be viewed as SB19 Ken when it comes to my solo endeavors. At first, I hesitated since I was not used to being called Felip but as time went by, it has grown on me. It’s unique.

DJ Nick: Alright. You talked about venturing on your own, being an individual [artist]. How is it different now, trying to have your own music and going your own way? How is it working out for you?

Felip: It seems like there’s a big wall that I have to tear down. But that challenge has become a motivation for me to become a better person, a better performer, a better artist. That’s what it is for me. I don’t view it as something I can’t do, but I have my ways to [overcome that big wall].

DJ Nick:  So would you say that you are very different as a standalone artist than when you’re with the group?

Felip: I can’t say that I’m very different, but definitely sound-wise, yes.

DJ Nick: Okay, I’m sure we’ll be hearing more of that later on.

Felip: Yes, yes.

DJ Nick: But we were informed that you actually started at church.

Felip: Yes, that’s true.

DJ Nick: With your grandfather. So you used to sing at church, and you were also playing instruments. Can you tell us more about it? Was that the start of your interest in music?

Felip: Yeah. I was really young when it all began. My grandfather and father are both pastors and every Wednesday night, we have this thing called [church] service.

DJ Nick: Service, yes.

Felip: Night service. And every Sunday, I was the one to open the church at 6 AM. I did that every Sunday morning. I would set up the sound system, test the guitar and whatnot, if they were working. So growing up, I would watch my cousins and uncles play music. And I think it’s a natural thing for a kid to get a liking to what they see in their surroundings, to what they’re exposed to; they imitate it.

DJ Nick: They adopt it.

Felip: Right. I think that’s the main reason why I have developed this [passion for music].

DJ Nick: So you’re well-versed with all the instruments. You play the guitar, what else?

Felip: I can’t say I’m really that good, but just enough that I can make music.

DJ Nick: I see. So how was the transition, would you say that you are still influenced by that music you grew up with in church service?

Felip: For sure. I have songs that lean into that style. Yeah, but it isn’t part of the EP.

DJ Nick: You know what, it’s very interesting because you really got your training from that. 

Felip: Yes, that’s my foundation.

DJ Nick: Right. I was also informed that you took up Architecture.

Felip: Yes.

DJ Nick: Okay, so are you planning to practice that? While you’re doing music? Could you still juggle your time?

Felip: With being an architect… There are a lot of famous architects who continuously practice their profession even with old age. What I’m saying is that there is no age limit to it, so I think it can wait.

DJ Nick: I see.

Felip: If I decide to come back to that, I think I can.

DJ Nick: You have something to fall back on.

Felip: Yes, of course.

DJ Nick: But at the same time, not to be cheesy or anything, you yourself is an architect in a way. You build your own style, music, right?

Felip: Yes, yes! I’m excited to design my own house, I have a vision where I’d put my own studio, like that. So I’m really excited.

DJ Nick: I’m sure the fans are very excited for you as well. The sisiws, who are watching.

Felip: Yes, yes.

DJ Nick: But anyway, they’ve been very supportive. I can’t see the comments right now but I’m pretty sure they’re going wild and we’ll probably read some of them later on. But now let us get to know you, a bit more personal, in terms of what you do when you’re not working.

You’re hard at work, for sure. You have your group, your solo act, you even get to study. So how do you entertain yourself? How do you unwind? What do you do for fun?

Felip: I play mobile games. Most of the time, I read manga or watch anime. I’m a super fan; big, big, big anime fan.

DJ Nick: Oh cool! I can see the inspiration.

Felip: Yes. I dress up as anime-inspired too.

DJ Nick: I see. Good for you, that you still have time for those.

Felip: As much as possible, I do those things to relax when I get the time. Because sometimes the pressure and the exhaustion at work gets to you. So even just for a bit, that’s what I do to relax and enjoy.

DJ Nick: Precisely.

Felip: Because it’s not good for your mental health to keep pressuring yourself. Find time to relax as well.

DJ Nick: Very good, that’s right. And your fans would also feel that because it will reflect when you perform and you’re not okay. It’s easy for us, us? (laughs) It’s easy for us to pass on our energy.

Felip: That’s right. Because it’s much better to get back on stage when you are well-rested and recharged.

DJ Nick: Alright. So you talked about your love for anime and we could see your fashion. We were also informed that — you are doing so many things, Felip! You have a lot going on, you also have your own clothing line.

Felip: Yes, I do.

DJ Nick: Can you tell us more about it? What kind of brand and message are you sending to your fans with your clothing line?

Felip:  Well for me personally, everything I do talks about myself. I let them know how I feel. Same with my brand, the clothes I wear, my style. The clothes I like to wear are the ones that make me feel most confident about myself. And I’m hoping that when they wear [my brand], they’d also feel confident in it.

DJ Nick: Wow, I love that because you’re also sharing your style to the public. [Because] most artists wouldn’t like that. Like, “This is only for me, this is my brand,” but for you, you’re totally okay with that.

Felip: Yes, of course. I want to share mine and to inspire them. That’s also our goal why we’re here, my group SB19 and I.

DJ Nick: Now you mentioned your group, and of course let’s talk about you being FELIP. So we have a question here. You recently released your latest EP entitled, COM•PLEX. Did I pronounce that right?

Felip: Yes, com-plex.

DJ Nick: COM•PLEX. In this EP, you focused predominantly on hip-hop with touches of R&B and trap music. Aside from these, are there any other genres that you want to try in the future?

Felip: There are.

DJ Nick: There are.

Felip: Latin music, perhaps.

DJ Nick: Latin music?

Felip: Latin music… definitely want to try making songs [in those genres]. Actually I have one in the works but it didn’t make it [to the EP]. (laughs) It couldn’t happen so maybe on the next one.

DJ Nick: Next EP?

Felip: Yes. I want to explore those types of music genres.

DJ Nick: You’re very hands-on with the music you release.

Felip: Of course. Like you feel relieved, you’re complacent—I’m not really sure how to use the term but you have this assurance knowing that you’ve been hands-on with what you do. You would know how it would turn out.

DJ Nick: That’s true and you are still your music.

Felip: Exactly.

DJ Nick: You get a sense of complacency. Well, that term doesn’t seem accurate but I get it. You are more confident.

Felip: Definitely confident since you put all your focus to it.

DJ Nick: I see. So having said that, let’s talk about your single “ROCKSTA”. Basically, we noticed that it’s a genre-bending track. It’s quite unique for us. How is it different from the other songs that you have?

Felip: When you hear ‘rocksta’, you might imagine dang-dang-dang or deren-deren-deren, stuff like that. Heavy metal, immediately. However, “ROCKSTA” is different since it’s not literal.

DJ Nick: Right, rock star.

Felip: It’s all about the feeling. And in comparison to my other songs, its bass is extra pronounced. We meant it that way. I was with my co-producer and I said I wanted “ROCKSTA’s” bass to be very loud while the other elements to be more minimal. I don’t know [why] but I liked it a lot. And I thought why not make it the intro to my EP.

DJ Nick: Yes.

Felip: I didn’t even expect to like it that much myself. It’s monotonous, I can’t explain it. But it’s up to the listeners, what they would feel when they listen to the track.

DJ Nick: Yes but it starts with you. Before you release something out there, you must impress yourself first.

Felip: Absolutely.

DJ Nick: So if it’s something that you like, as you’ve said a while ago, you’re more confident to release it.

Felip: “ROCKSTA” is an ‘acquired taste’ type of song. You have to build that love for it, listen to it repeatedly. That’s why it’s very short—for people to crave more.

DJ Nick: Ooh.

Felip: Right? You give it time and the more you listen to it, it grows on you. You eventually love it. That’s what happened to me. So I’ve decided to write lyrics for it.

DJ Nick: Alright. You talked about the lyrics. Let’s have a bit of exercise so people will crave more. Our listeners. Can you give us a sample of your favorite line from the song?

Felip: My favorite line from it is, “Roar, rise, pick it up you gotta/ Mic, mic, hold it tight you betta~”. 

Whatever you do, whatever you feel, don’t ever lose that mic. Don’t ever give that mic up. For me, the mic is my passion. Every time I hold it, I feel like a different person. It symbolizes my passion. So I don’t want to lose it. You hold it tight, you better! Don’t ever lose that mic!

DJ Nick: And your listeners could also interpret that in a different way. It could be something that they love, not only the mic. It’s a metaphor. That’s amazing.

Felip: It’s for them to have their own takes of it.

DJ Nick: And talking about your mic, I watched your interview a while ago and the one you’re holding is actually a gift.

Felip: Yes it’s a gift.

DJ Nick: Awesome. Since you have the mic and you have the voice and you’re here, let’s play a little game. This time you get to exercise your vocals.

WATCH and READ the game portion in part 2 of the interview here.

DJ Nick: Thank you so much for being a part of Easy Rock today.

Felip: Thank you very much.

DJ Nick: Do you have any message to your fans and of course, where can they find you? How can they know more about your events and your upcoming performances?

Felip: Yes, “ROCKSTA” is out now on all music platforms and you can check it out. And later at 8 PM will be the release of the music video, you can watch it on my YouTube channel: FELIP. For my future events, please check out my social media [accounts], @felipsuperior. That’s it, thank you so much to A’TIN who has been supporting me until now. Thank you to all of you and please take care always. God bless you!

DJ Nick: Thank you so much. It’s been wonderful talking to you. This is such an easy job and you made it so amazing today. Thank you so much Felip!

And of course, you could also follow us and our socials @easyrockmanila station and @djnick963 for myself. Once again, this is Easy Rock Plugged In, we’ll catch you guys very soon.

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