"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

He wanted to express himself, but it’s the other way around

At first, I didn’t have any interest in knowing someone who was not directly related to me. Although I generally appreciate artists who are talented and genuine, I usually admire them from afar. I had been like that all my life until I got to know the artists who would actually change that. I wasn’t even trying to learn so much about any artist on a participative level until I discovered SB19, which led me to knowing FELIP.

Although I love the group as a whole, FELIP particularly stands out to me. No, it’s not just about his charisma and looks as an idol. As I watched him through their ShowBreak Episodes, observing each one of them, I honestly felt some sort of familiarity about FELIP—the way he painted his nails. Appealing, yes. Fashionable, well sure. But more than that, it made an impression on me that he has a different point of view. Something that opposes what is expected, offering what is unknown. Some people may not understand it, but he does it anyway with confidence. And he does it with such justice that the people who witness his work are left speechless.

I also love his sense of justice and honesty, like how he jokingly says, “Honesty is Policy!”. And those words are truly visible in his values. Even though he seldom speaks, you can sense the purest soul in every piece of it.

And leading to that, as an introverted person, I also don’t express much of how I feel and what I think. The words I want to speak usually come out through the songs I sing. Thus, I give so much value to the lyrics of the songs, as if they are my own words. The funny thing is, FELIP’s songs hit me like bullets right at the center of the red dot! His songs are so timely and familiar that I literally feel like he can hear what I am going through. This is not even an exaggeration. It is eerie, in a good sense, for me, as it is my first time knowing an artist who expresses exactly what I want to say. He expresses not only my emotions but even my personal virtues. And it feels really heartwarming.

That is why I thought I wanted many people to know him. I wanted many people to know his art. If I have felt heard through his music, maybe someone else in another part of the world might also feel that there is someone who is going to say the words out for them.

Enough of being sentimental? Then, let me also appreciate him more objectively. FELIP, not only as an idol, but a solo artist in his own style is undeniably epic. His existence itself is legendary. Well, FELIP is not hard to brag about in whatever adoration a person might have for him because, seeing his artistry, his versatility, and most especially his personality are definitely worth showing off. From fashion, sports, arts, sing, dance, humor, character, looks, what else? No one can do it better than FELIP against himself, don’t you agree?

Felip P-Pop Con black and white