"You can't feel love if you can't feel pain."
- Felip, Warner Music Philippines 30 Picks

FELIP Boost Episode 1: 4Rs – How to Reply, Retweet, Requote, Repeat in X

Hello Sisiws, FStans and everyone who loves Felip. Welcome to the first episode of FELIP Boost.

Our first ever topic? THE 4Rs. These are the basic things you gotta do to make sure that FELIP tops that trends list. 

So what are the 4Rs? That’s REPLY, RETWEET, REQUOTE and REPEAT. 

Guys, it is not enough that you just like posts. You gotta do the 4Rs if we want Felip to trend. 

But First, Use the Right Tags

But before anything else, you gotta use the right tags. Follow the Ken/Felip fan bases such as those under Casa Sinag for example SB19 Ken Sunnies or Team Superiors. Or the FStan fanbases such as Underground Squad, Elites and FENIX so that you can be sure that you are using the official and correct tags.  

1. Reply

Okay, now that you know the right tags…  1st R: REPLY. Let’s say FELIP, Warner Philippines or Warner Japan posts an update. Go ahead and reply using the official tags. You can do the same to posts of the fan bases, your moots or anyone, actually. Reply to them all. BUT make sure to use at least three words and do not use too many emojis. 

2. Retweet

2nd R: RETWEET. You see a post on your timeline using the tags? RETWEET. It’s that simple.

3. Requote

3rd R: REQUOTE. Quote tweets with your own comments to add a personal touch and spark more discussion. Again, the same rule applies. Use at least three words, do not use too many emojis, and DON’T FORGET TO ADD THE TAGS.

4. Repeat

And the last R: REPEAT. Consistently interact with the tags over time to maintain and build momentum. Even if the tags reach #1, we do not stop. Continue to engage to keep Felip on top. 

That’s a Wrap for Episode 1

So that’s our 4Rs: REPLY, RETWEET, REQUOTE and REPEAT. 

Next time we have tags for Felip, I hope you all can join us doing the 4Rs. Ang hindi sumali, HOPIA KI FELIP FOREVER (Those who will not join, will forever be cursed with 0 interaction with Felip). Just kidding!

Stay tuned for more tips on how we can support our superior. 

Until next episode, this is FELIP Boost

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