"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Rappler Live Jam with Felip

Original interview by Amanda of Rappler
Translated to English for the general public by nami
Original interview upload: February 4, 2023

Felip Performs at Rappler HQ and Talks About COM.PLEX

[“SUPERIORITY” Performance at 01:35]

[Start of Interview at 04:33]

Interviewer: What’s up A’TIN and sisiws! (‘chicks’, a subgroup of SB19 fans whose bias or favorite member is Felip/Ken.) 

You’re tuned in to another Rappler Live Jam, my name is Amanda and that song is called “SUPERIORITY” by none other than the superior, Felip!

Felip: Thank you.

Amanda: So he’ll be hanging out with us here tonight and performing more songs from his brand new EP, COM•PLEX. So stay tuned for that but for now, we will be chit-chatting first. Hi, Felip!

Felip: Hello, thank you very much.

Amanda: Welcome back!

Felip: Yes, welcome back [to me]. It was 2020 since our first time here (referring to SB19’s interview). It’s been a while but this time around I’m here as a soloist and I’m very honored to be here.

Amanda: We are honored to have you here as well and excited to know you as a solo artist. So, can you tell us more about that song that you just performed?

Felip: It’s called “SUPERIORITY”. It talks about being superior to your weaknesses; that’s the whole idea of the song. That’s the message I want to share. Hone it—whatever weaknesses you might have and what disappoints you. Don’t forget that you are the best. You are a rocksta. You are unique.

Amanda: Very nice. That’s great energy to have! Let’s all get into the year with that superior energy.

So we all know you from SB19, obviously. Last time you were here with them, but who is Felip as a solo artist?

Felip: I get this question a lot, and it’s the hardest one for me to answer actually.

I think as Felip, I have the freedom to do what I want. In SB19, we have certain roles to play.

As Felip, I could decide on the sound I like to pursue, I can be as experimental as I could with my artistry, lay out my feelings and emotions to my own music. In SB19, as I’ve said, we have certain roles to fill in and I have to give way to the other members also.

Amanda: So speaking of the other members, how have they been supporting your solo project?

Felip: They’re very supportive. They are happy for this achievement of mine because making an EP is not an easy process at all. I had to go through a lot and they are glad I was able to overcome the walls along the way.

Amanda: Do you let them listen to the songs before you release them?

Felip: Yes, yes. They have listened to it.

Amanda: Did they have any feedback? 

Felip: They would ask who produced some of it, and the likes. It’s a new sound, that’s why.

Amanda: You mentioned that it’s a new sound and your solo stuff sounds super different from what we hear from SB19. How did you come up with it?

Felip: I listen to a variety of music—Japanese rock bands, hip-hop, metal bands from the US and drill music which is popular in the UK, to name a few. I take those [as inspiration] and try to incorporate them to my own music. Say, I would use metal guitar sounds, add bass that’s hip-hop, then melodic rap and so on. I wanted to be very experimental in this EP. It might sound weird to some ears but I like it.

Amanda: So you played around with what you hear.

Felip: Yes, yes.

Amanda: Exciting.

Felip: Vocal-wise, I tried shifting between pitches—low and high. That kind of style.

Amanda: Since your sound has changed differently [from SB19], do you think your fans also changed/have expanded? Those who don’t listen to P-Pop, do you find that you capture them with your music now?

Felip: I’m hoping that [the] A’TIN [fandom] grows bigger as well as our reach, and for more people to support us. Actually, we are doing this (going solo) to also showcase that [aside from P-Pop] we can do more things. We can venture out to other genres like hip-hop too; we can also try out different vocal techniques that reveal more of our versatility as artists.

Amanda: Like a full-blown artist, not just having one style.

Felip: Yes, exactly.

Amanda: Speaking of fans, our beloved producer Jaira (from Rappler), asked them to tweet their favorite memory with you. So I will read some of them out tonight, maybe you could recall them.

This one is from Nash (@superiornash). 

“I love him because he-” You love him already? Wow! Anyway, “I love him because he is unapologetically himself. He does not pander to other people’s expectations of him, he embraces who he really is and the things that make him unique. He is an inspiration to break free from what we have been programmed to do: conform to society.”

Woah. That was deep. 

Felip: All I can say about that is I’m really happy. It delights me to know that there are people who appreciate me for staying true to myself. And I hope the same for them, to freely do what they want in life. To always be true to themselves too, but not at the expense of others’ feelings of course. Still, be considerate.

Amanda: Beautiful. So that’s like a sign for everyone that even if you are unapologetically yourself, you will still be loved. Like the way @superiornash loves Felip! 

Another memory, from @athena1819_.

“My favorite moment/memory of Ken/Felip was during the Our ZONE Concert. He didn’t expect that his sister and uncle were there and this one was only online streaming, no live audience. Only a few friends, family, and a few media. Anyway, this was an unforgettable one.” 

Do you remember this?

Felip: Yes, that one’s really unforgettable. You know when we are on stage and “Mapa” would play, at the middle of the song the parents would join us. Everytime that happens, I’m the only one who wouldn’t have mine with me.

My parents went working abroad to be able to provide for us. They couldn’t be there with me. It was sad on my end that time, but I was genuinely happy for everyone else. Though I also felt jealous, I’m not going to lie. So when my sister and uncle showed up I was really shocked and could not help but cry. I was really happy they were there.

Amanda: I’m sure that was an emotional moment for you.

Felip: Yes, very much.

Amanda: And the fans saw it. Apparently they were really paying attention.

Felip: Yes, they must have seen how ugly my face is when I cry! (both laughing) 

Amanda: So to the fans on Twitter who are watching right now, are we trending yet? Let’s make it to the trends guys, keep tweeting!

We’ll move on to the next song. This one is called “CRIMINAL.” What is it about?

Felip: As a person… As a human being, there are times when we are high-spirited and outgoing when we are out with friends, meanwhile we could also have unavoidable negative thoughts when we get home or are alone. And I just want to say [through this song] that it’s normal to feel and think that way. 

To the listeners, I hope they don’t give up. They should keep doing things that bring them joy, know themselves enough so that the negativity doesn’t overpower them.

Amanda: Awesome. Let’s hear it! This is Felip with his second song for the night, “CRIMINAL”.

[‘CRIMINAL’ Performance at 13:43]

[Interview Continuation at 17:00]

Amanda: If you’re just tuning in, this is Rappler Live Jam and that was “CRIMINAL” by Felip. It’s another song from his brand new EP COM•PLEX which is out now, please listen to it later! And also, let’s get trending and use the hashtag #FELIPxRapplerLiveJam. Let’s go A’TIN and sisiws!

So you mentioned that “CRIMINAL” is about one’s negative thoughts. 

Felip: Yes. 

Amanda: It’s interesting because the first song (“SUPERIORITY”) was about your weaknesses.

Felip: Yes, basically the entire COM•PLEX EP talks about being and feeling superior despite the weaknesses you have as a person. I made a sound out of the complexity of human emotions. Some songs in the EP can be sad, while some might have an arrogant vibe to it— well not really arrogant, just confident. 

Amanda: You mean all sides of you? You’re showing all of that in this EP. 

Felip: Yes, you could put it that way.

Amanda: I’m curious as to how you write songs because it seems very introspective. What’s your songwriting process?

Felip: I actually wrote songs [for the EP] on the airplane during our tour. Honestly, I could write anywhere. Sometimes if I come across interesting words or sentences, I have my notes app on my phone ready so I can record them and not forget. 

I usually start with making beats. If it resonates a certain feeling to me, that’s where I derive my ideas for a song.

Amanda: So you’re the type of person who doesn’t mind the place where you write-

Felip: No, it doesn’t really matter where.

Amanda: Wow. So your phone must have a lot- [of recordings/notes].

Felip: Precisely. If you check my phone you’d see labels [folders] like ‘Rap bars’, for example. Pretty weird. (smiles) 

Amanda: I also noticed, even in your earlier releases like “Bulan” and “Palayo,” that you really highlight the Filipino culture in your songs. 

In “Bulan,” you included some chants while in “Palayo,” you sang in Visayan. Why is it important for you to highlight that aspect in your music?

Felip: Ever since I was a kid, my grandmother would tell tales about Bulan, the god. I’m aware it’s a myth, but it’s fascinating that people used to believe it was real in the past. I made a song about it because I got inspired when I read the entire story of Bulan. 

As someone who grew up in the province, I’ve been around tribesmen and I even had classmates who were Subanen. (The term ‘Subanen’ is given to a group of Philippine ethnic tribes that inhabit areas in Zamboanga del Sur and Zamboanga del Norte peninsula and the mountain areas of Misamis Occidental on the island of Mindanao. Subanen means “river dweller.”)

When I visited their homes, I would see the uncles playing traditional instruments and that’s where I drew the idea of incorporating it in “Bulan,” together with hip-hop and metal sounds.

Amanda: Is that a challenge for you? How difficult is that to execute?

Felip: Well, the challenging part is the arrangement, putting together the different elements. But for me, that’s the joy of making music. 

As for the Visayan aspect, I am really proud of my roots. That’s why the first song I ever released was “Palayo” written in Visayan as a Visayan myself. It was also my way of giving back to them (referring to the fans) for loving the song when I first performed it at our concert before. They requested that I release a studio version so I did, together with the music video.

Amanda: Amazing. So let’s go back to COM•PLEX. You said earlier that it’s about your complexities as a person and I guess that has been the concept from the beginning. What made you decide to release it as an EP?

Felip: Honestly, I had songs already done and in store and I thought, “Why not release an EP?” instead of singles that are most likely to be released yearly. It would be one song per year. 

[This time] I wanted to give the fans a collection of various tunes to listen to and enjoy. I wanted to make them happy, and to also show my vocal skills. Again, I wanted to be experimental in this EP regardless of the weird impression it might get.

Amanda: No, it’s not weird. You just wanted to bring something grand this time around.

Felip: (nodding) Definitely something new.

Amanda: And you’re right, it seems more promising to release many songs at once, instead of one single at a time.

Speaking of your EP, the next song you’ll be performing tonight is another one from it, called “MICTEST.” But before we head into it, let’s read a few more tweets!

Felip: Alright, alright.

Amanda: From your fans; this one is from Natasha (@Tasha24_). She said he has a lot of memories with you.

“I have a lot of memories with him. He’s really kind, approachable, and sweet to A’TIN and his sisiws every time we meet. Fave moment though would be during SG (referring to SB19’s WYAT Tour in Singapore concert), where he asked permission before climbing the barrier and if it was alright if he stayed there. Like beh (‘beh’ is a variation of the Tagalog slang word ‘bes’, meaning ‘bestfriend’ or ‘pal’; also a term of endearment like ‘babe’, ‘baby’), this is your concert, of course you can!” 

Do you remember that?

Felip: Yes, our fans were super wild then. Even if we already tossed water at them at that time, they didn’t mind at all. We were like, “Is it okay if you got wet?” (laughs) 

It was really to hype everyone and ourselves because performing in concerts — singing and dancing at the same time — can be exhausting. But our fans were really nice and they made the concert memorable.

Amanda: At this point, have you gotten used to your fans? The A’TIN are really active and vocal, right? 

Felip: Yes. I’m always glad when we meet them. I don’t feel so shy. I’m quite shy myself, but I loosen up and feel comfortable around them. I don’t feel like I’m out of place because I have very supportive fans.

Amanda: They boost your confidence. That’s nice.

Felip: They do, yup.

Amanda: Another one from @strawvesteri, they said: “They had a Facebook livestream before and Stell was wearing white and looked like he was not in the mood. Then Ken sat beside him and kept talking; eventually Stell smiled. I love how he is very concerned about his co-members.”

Felip: I mean not just me, but all of us. We’ve been together for so long and I can already tell if Stell, Josh, Pablo, or Justin are not feeling their best. We check up on us but of course we also give each other space. If they feel like being left alone for a while, we must respect that. We let them be. If they reach out and like to talk about it, we will.

Amanda: What do you say to them? Like keywords that could help them maybe?

Felip: I don’t really have those. I don’t know… l think I just become a comedian and get really goofy around them. Because of that, they’d just end up laughing it all off, or maybe my face is just that funny. I don’t know. (laughs) 

Amanda: It’s your way of lightening the mood.

Felip: It is, yes. 

Amanda: How about you, what do they say to you when you’re not in the mood or feeling down?

Felip: As for them, when I’m not in the mood they let me be. Because at times like that, I prefer to be left alone.

Amanda: So you’re that type of person.

Felip: Yes. I think Stell is really the only brave one who comes up to me to ask if I’m okay. Then after a while, everything’s fine again.

Amanda: That’s so nice. They’re not just a boy group guys (addressing the livestream viewers), they’re family! 

Felip: We have to look out for each other.

Amanda: Okay, I have mentioned “MICTEST” earlier which you’ll be performing next. But can you tell us more about the song first?

Felip: “MICTEST” is me being a proud Visayan. “Mictest, where are my Visayan friends?” Something like that. Really being proud of myself and my roots.

Amanda: Let’s hear it. This is Felip with “MICTEST”!

[‘MICTEST’ Performance at 27:43]

[Interview Continuation at 29:49]

Amanda: If you’re just tuning in, that was Felip with “MICTEST” from his brand new EP COM•PLEX, and this is Rappler Live Jam! 

So the song is called “MICTEST” and I’ve noticed this mic you have with you right now. It’s really pretty and we’ve been geeking over it!

Felip: (smiling) Yes. This was given to me by my fans on my birthday and I was really surprised that they had it customized for me. Thank you so much sisiws and A’TIN for gifting me this. Thank you so much, love you!

Amanda: They’re so sweet and the mic is gorgeous. 

FELIP: It is. And it’s red, one of my favorite colors.

Amanda: So every time you perform, do you bring that mic?

Felip: I bring it with me all the time, but depending on how long it might take to set up for an event I sometimes just opt for what’s already there. But as much as possible I use it, like here, right now. So that the fans would see that I am using their gift for me.

Amanda: Speaking of performances, is this the first one after your EP launch? Is this the first time we get to hear the songs live?

Felip: Yes, first time. Yup.

Amanda: Wow!

Felip: This is where I’m debuting the songs live.

Amanda: Jaira (Rappler producer) just felt butterflies! 

Felip: That’s why I am really nervous because there are people watching me at the sides! (laughs) I would have partied by myself if there was nobody else and it’s just me here.

Amanda: You still can! Just pretend we are not here.

Felip: Alright, alright next time. I’d be like, “Can you guys go out first?” So I’ll just be here. “Okay roll!” 

Amanda: (teasing) Or we could leave now?

Felip: I’ll turn off the lights or just operate the cameras myself. 

Amanda: We’re just really happy to hear these songs live for the first time. It’s a different experience when it’s a live performance right?

Felip: Yes, including the nerves.

Amanda: I just wished we had a bigger audience.

Felip: No, no I’m fine with this. (laughs) 

Amanda: But the cheers are loud nonetheless.

(studio audience cheering) 

Felip: I’m fine here!

Amanda: I also want to ask you about “ROCKSTA”. The music video is really good! That’s the first song from this EP that you released right, and it’s really striking. Where did you get the concept of the music video from?

Felip: Actually, I don’t know. It’s supposed to give the impression of an ambiguous painting since everything that was on my mind at that time was jumbled. I just poured it out like [an abstract] painting. I’m leaving it to the audience’s interpretation since we take things differently.

Amanda: I’m also curious about how you discussed the concept with your team. How did you interpret what was on your mind for them to understand and execute it?

Felip: Of course, I’m thankful that I had professionals with me. “I think I like something like this!” When I can’t fully translate my thoughts into words, they were there to help me out. “Do you mean something like this?” They would provide suggestions on how we would make things happen. I’m thankful that they guided me and understood the things I wanted to do.

Amanda: And the results were amazing!

Felip: Thank you very much.

Amanda: [To the viewers] please watch the music video if you haven’t seen it yet, but do it later since we are still here! (laughs) 

Talking to you now as a solo artist has been great, we are getting to know who FELIP is. It makes sense why you wanted to be experimental and adventurous with your own stuff. So, what’s the next thing that you want to try—to experiment on musically?

Felip: I want to try… Latin music? I think Latin music. What else, funk. Do you know funk? (hums a funky tune) Something like that.

Perhaps mix that with hip-hop since it’s the genre that has been dominating the charts. Out of the top ten [artists on the charts], there will always be a hip-hop artist included. I would combine [Latin music] with hip-hop; I want to take as much inspiration to fuse together. [Since] I love to rap as much as to sing. Maybe even try R&B.

Amanda: Latin music is very interesting. What makes you think of that?

Felip: I think because Bad Bunny is popular right now in the US. 

House music, reggaeton—I would also like to try those. I actually have, but it did not make it to the EP. Oh, drill music as well.

Amanda: So you have already started a song that has this style?

Felip: Yes, I have. It didn’t make the cut but next time. Next time.

Amanda: Exciting! 

Felip: Because they said it can’t make it to the EP so…

Amanda: Maybe for the next one, right?

Felip: Next EP I guess. [Coming in the] next three years. No, I’m just joking.

Amanda: Wow. Speaking of future plans, wait someone’s saying something…

Felip: (talking to someone in the audience) What were you saying? 

Amanda: Your management wants to tell us something…

Felip: (teasing) They’re complaining! They’re complaining! 

Amanda: Well it’s your career and it’s up to you. But speaking of future plans, anything you can share?

Felip: I would love to collaborate with different artists too; especially to those who focus a lot on their artistry as well.

Amanda: Like who?

Felip: A lot actually.

Amanda: Maybe we can give a shout out to them right now.

Felip: Oh, Aurora! I also look up to many artists here but I can’t think of one right now.

Amanda: That’s alright.

Felip: I can’t really pick because I have a lot of favorites.

Amanda: I guess we’ll just find out in the future when the collaboration happens. 

Felip: Okay. I’m not going to say much, but I’m actually making some beats for a certain artist right now.

Amanda: Nice! So aside from that, do you have any upcoming shows?

Felip: Yes. On February 5, I have a mall show in Ayala Malls Manila Bay. So if you want to go, please do. Let’s party, let’s party!

Amanda: So see you all tomorrow at Ayala Malls Manila Bay, February 5. Felip will be there!

Felip: I will be there, see you!

Amanda: I don’t really want this to end, but if you’d like to sing more, you may. 

Felip: (talking to his manager) Do I still have [songs left to perform]? 

Amanda: They said you may sing a sample of “Palayo.”

(Felip sings “Palayo” chorus) 

Felip: That’s it, that’s all. Seems like you’re just playing with me! (laughs) 

Amanda: Before we end the show, I’d read additional tweets from fans. 

Pabluna (@pablohatdogs) says: “This is last year during their Kickoff Concert. Since I was at the back, I had my gift handed to him. It was not much, it was inexpensive but when Ken saw it, he was really happy. It also made my heart happy to see his reaction.”

Felip: Of course. It was a stuffed toy. We appreciate everything, even if it’s small. We really do. They work hard for it (the gifts) and we will always be appreciative of that. So thank you, thank you so much to all of you.

Amanda: And Chiquita (@trees_v) also says: “He’s very generous. He donates silently and it would not be known to the public if not for the donee and organizers posting about it to thank him.” 

Wow, that’s so nice of you.

Felip: Pass… (laughs) 

I’m glad whenever I get to donate, especially to people in need. It brings a different level of satisfaction when I could help and hear, “Thank you so much for this, you really helped me.” Messages like that. Also, I don’t see the need to brag about it. No.

Amanda: It only means that it’s a genuine act of kindness [from you].

Felip: I don’t know… I just want to help. 

Amanda: (teasing) Is it getting awkward now?

Felip: Yes, yes. (laughs) 

Amanda: Alright let’s get to the last song. This one is called “STRAYDOGS.” Before you perform it, can you tell us more about it?

Felip: Whatever people say to you, whatever negative things people might throw at you, just be yourself. Continue to do your thing. Do not let their words affect you. Let them bark. That’s why it’s called “STRAYDOGS.”

Amanda: Thank you so much for being here and sharing your music with us. It was really fun and your new EP is amazing. COM•PLEX out now!

Felip: COM•PLEX is out now, you guys purchase it! I’m kidding.

Amanda: Before you perform your last song, do you have a message to your fans, to the sisiws watching right now?

Felip: A’TIN, sisiws, thank you very much for your support. I hope you enjoy my gift for you. I know it’s different from the usual sound that you hear [from me]; this may not be everyone’s cup of tea because we have our own preferences but still, thank you so much for appreciating my craft. That’s all. Thank you so much.

Amanda: Thank you Felip and to everyone who’s tuned in, this is Rappler Live Jam! Enjoy “STRAYDOGS” by Felip. 

[‘STRAYDOGS’ Performance and End of Interview at 41:30]

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