"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Felip Plays This or That at Rappler HQ

Original feature by Rappler
Translated for the general public by mocha cake
Original feature upload: February 5, 2023

This or That: Lottery or Soulmate? Sneakers or Boots?

Felip: Hello everyone I’m Felip and this is This or That (embarrassed, hiding his smile)

Staff: Texting or Calling?

Felip: Calling

Staff: Pineapple on Pizza or No Pineapple on Pizza?

Felip: Everything pineapple.. on pizza. (staff laughs) 

Staff: Even the sauce?

Felip: No sauce, just pineapple. Actually I made a pineapple pizza before. I bought pineapples in a can. Then I bought a separate pizza, took all the toppings in exchange for all the pineapple from the can.

Staff: How about the cheese?

Felip: Cheese is alright. Why not? That’s what I want. (staff laughing)

Staff: Hot coffee or Iced coffee?

Felip: Hot coffee

Staff: City or Province?

Felip: For now, city.

Staff: Winning the lottery or Finding your soulmate?

Felip: Winning the lottery. (staff laughing hysterically) My soulmate will come if I win the lottery.

Staff: Roller coaster or Ferris wheel?

Felip: Noooo.

Staff: Roller coaster or Ferris wheel or Carousel?

Felip: Okay, maybe just a carousel. (staff laughing) It’s more tolerable.

Staff: Sneakers or Dress shoes?

Felip: (thinking) Hmmm, maybe sneakers.

Staff: Sneakers or Boots?

Felip: Do I really need to choose? Boots.

Staff: Earphones or Headphones?

Felip: Earphones

Staff: Foresee the future or Change the past?

Felip: Change the past. You can prevent what is to happen in the future if you can change the past. If something unpleasant happened in the past, then you can change it.

Staff: Comedy or Drama?

Felip: Comedy

Staff: Which comedy show?

Felip:  It’s an anime, Gintama.

Staff: Planning or Winging it?

Felip: What was it?

Staff: Planning or Winging it?

Felip: Planning, of course.

Staff: As a Capricorn!

Felip: Although some situations are unpredictable so you’d need to be prepared to wing it.

Staff: Sometimes you’ll just rely on “Bahala Na” (a Filipino term meaning “come what may”)

Felip: Yeah

Staff: Ability to teleport or Ability to read minds?

Felip: Ability to teleport

Staff: Where will you go?

Felip: Wherever I want. 

Staff: How about now? This very moment, if you can teleport, where will you go?

Felip: Japan. I’ll definitely go back there as soon as I have free time

Staff: Aswang (Filipino mythological creature, known to eat humans specially young children and fetuses) or Tikbalang (Filipino mythological creature with a horse’s head and human body)

Felip: Tikbalang. I find them mysterious, just like unicorns. Aswang is overrated in my opinion. 

Staff: There’s not much hype about Tikbalang right? 

Felip: Yeah

Staff: Tikbalang or Manananggal? (winged Filipino mythological creature that splits from the waist up when hunting for prey)

Felip: Still Tikbalang

Staff: You’ll Cook for someone or Someone will cook for you?

Felip: Ah.. someone will cook for me I guess. You know that feeling, that when you eat somebody else’s dish they cook themselves it’s really satisfying? But when I cook for myself it feels like something is missing. 

Staff: And you also need to clean after yourself right?

Felip: Yeah.

Staff: Last question. The one you love or The one who loves you?

Felip: The one you love. I mean I love? Huh? That was confusing, haha! (staff laughing). Hi A’tin and sisiws, watch my full live jam performance on Rappler.