"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Shayanne Chang’s Safe Spaces Interview with Felip

Original interview by Shayanne Chang
Interview highlights by nami
Original interview upload: August 1, 2024

Felip Shares His Impressions of Singapore and Musical Influences

Interview Highlights:

0:20 Felip shares his enthusiasm over the city of Singapore where he had time to roam around sight-seeing. He visited a music studio and dropped by the mall to check for fashionable pieces as he tends to do whenever he travels, though he does not always end up with a purchase.

He adds that there is a sense of familiarity about the place and that it is well industrialized and advanced. Personally, he couldn’t say which he prefers more, city life or country life; he believes that he could go with the motions of both.

1:29 Admittedly, Felip describes touring and traveling around the world fun, yet tiring. However, despite its socially demanding nature, it enables him to acquire more experience on stage, improve on his performance quality, and introduce his artistry to the new people he gets to meet. He believes that being seen by his audience both as an artist and a human being is the highlight of it all.

2:37 Apart from his exposure to gospel music as a child, he explains that he had grown to develop a liking for hip-hop at adolescence, which was also the time the genre started getting traction anywhere. And as the artist that he is now, his love for hip-hop has greatly manifested into his own music.

3:04 He recognizes the dangers of social media, hence, it’s through songwriting that he’s able to express himself freely. For Felip, it serves as the ultimate bridge and messenger of his feelings and thoughts.

3:25 Felip expresses how much he looks up to his uncle. Musically, he thinks that he still has a long way to go to reach the level of depth and understanding the latter has for the art form.

He playfully dishes on witnessing his uncle play where his eyes would roll back until very recently, he realized that that’s how music is like—something that speaks directly to one’s soul. He hopes to learn and grasp it better. Right now, making music is half of Felip’s life.

4:43 He teases more upcoming releases and surprises he’s got in store for his fans.

5:09 The interview concludes with Felip adorably sharing the craziest thing he’s done as a kid which was filching coins from his uncles to buy toys and getting scolded for it. Lastly, he rizzes everyone up by simply staring at the camera, in classic Rocksta fashion.


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