"Always dream high."
- ache, Felip

Winter Carnival Dubai Press Conference

Original interview by media at the Winter Carnival in Dubai
Translated to English for the general public by nami
Original interview upload: December 24, 2023

Felip Explains His Butterfly Tattoo; Touches on Life, ‘Kanako’

Question #1 at 2:37

Media: Since [it’s] Christmas season, what is your Christmas gift or message to A’TIN who are in Dubai, who are always there supporting you through thick and thin?

Felip: Last night, I released my latest single, it’s called “Kanako” and earlier, I released the music video. It’s my way of thanking them and it’s a surprise; it’s Christmas [season] now. There’s a lot of things [that] happened this year. (technical difficulty)

It’s alright, my voice is loud enough. Hopefully you can all hear me. I’ll try to speak English as much as I can. Or only Tagalog? Is that fine?

Media: Yes.

Felip: Yeah. Basically, that’s my surprise and my gift [to my fans]. I hope they feel the whole message of the song through my emotions, since I’ve poured it all out including my thoughts. I hope [they feel] happy listening to that song.

Media: “Kanako” is a Japanese song?

Felip: “Kanako” is Visayan. It’s a Visayan word.

Media: Visayan? Sorry, sorry. I’m Ilocano, that’s why.

Felip: Yeah.

Question #2 at 6:22

Media: I want to know, what can the fans expect from you here in UAE for tomorrow’s concert?

Felip: Tomorrow’s gonna be the first time I’ll be performing “Kanako” live. (studio crowd cheering). Yeah, thank you guys. You should look forward to that.

Crowd: Yes, of course!

Felip: I wanted to perform it with my guitar but sadly- unfortunately, I won’t be able to. But still, I’ll do my best for you guys.

Media: Thank you so much.

Question #3 at 9:42

Media: My question for Ken is, when did you realize that your voice is genuinely unique? Because singers likely belt but your voice is so unique on its own. When did you realize it was something different and a good thing for you?

Felip: Maybe when… I think it was high school when my voice started to crack. That’s when I realized that I could no longer hit the notes I used to hit during elementary years. I would listen to my uncle who has a really deep voice as well; I think it runs in the family that we all have deep voices. So at first, I was really disappointed because we, Filipinos, are known to be belters. Having soaring voices is our stereotype.
But then in our [SB19] journey, I honed what I had. I put my focus on what I could offer, which is my deep voice. I kept practicing, including my falsetto, so I could have different weapons I could use, so to speak. It would be boring if you only had the same thing to show, you know. So I practiced a lot, found ways to enhance what I naturally have.

Media: Thank you.

Felip: Thank you very much.

Question #4 at 13:20

Media: I went to Singapore to get a tattoo.

Felip: Oh.

Media: I heard that’s where you got some of yours, right?

Felip: Yes.

Media: My question is, could you explain your butterfly tattoo?

Felip: The butterfly means life and death. My grandparents passed away the same year, on the same date, 27. April 27 for my grandmother, December 27 for grandfather. So it’s really important to me. Actually, this was supposed to have the number ‘27’ on both sides.

Media: Can you flex it?

Felip: (pulls up his right sleeve) Here’s the [butterfly] tattoo.

Media: There it is.

Felip: They’re pretty small. I’m fond of patch tattoos. And- woah they even took a picture (pertaining to the media).

Media: Why does the butterfly seem to drip?

Felip: It resembles tears. It’s sad, I was really sad when they both passed. It hadn’t been a year since my grandmother left when my grandfather went after. I was really heartbroken at that time. Yeah.

Media: Thank you, thank you.

Felip: Thank you.

Question #5 at 16:53

Media: With all that is happening in your life right now, what life lesson would you like to share?

Felip: I always say this. The message I want to share is to be patient. It might be hard at first, but learn to practice patience in everything. If you’re angry, learn to control your emotions. If you’re sad, learn to look at the good things that [have] happened before, whatever it is you’ve gone through. And don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture, focus on the little things too that you thought don’t bring you joy but actually could. You’ll realize that someday. I’m turning 27 soon so I’m realizing these things now. That’s my message.

Media: Thank you.

Question #6 at 16:34

Media: What is your all-time favorite anime or manga?

Felip: (beaming) Interesting. Right now, I’d say Black Clover. Black Clover, Boruto, Attack on Titan, The Eminence in Shadow- a lot. I get a mental block when I’m asked about these things. So many are flooding my mind. I think I’ve watched all of the anime in existence. I’m really sad that I almost have nothing left to read now, I’ve read and watched them all. So if you can recommend something, please message me. (studio crowd laughs) I’ll read your messages.

Media: Thank you so much.

Question #7 at 19:45

Media: What or who is the inspiration behind your latest single, “Kanako”?

Felip: Definitely A’TIN. I’m really thankful for everything that has happened in my life. Whether it’s bad or good. They are always there both in good and bad times. In terms of our [group’s] struggles, my own struggles, they never left and kept supporting me. They uplift me when I feel down. I’m thankful they are in my life. Thank you so much guys, I love you so much.

Crowd: We love you too/Felip!

Felip: Oh thank you!

Media: That seems like what they wanted to hear- that they are the inspiration of the song “Kanako”. Are you guys happy?

Crowd: Yes!