"You can't feel love if you can't feel pain."
- Felip, Warner Music Philippines 30 Picks

Y101Cebu TV Interview by DJ Claire

Original interview by DJ Claire of Y101Cebu TV
Translated to English for the general public by Sinking Fish
Original interview upload: February 6, 2023

The Weekend Top 20 with Felip

DJ Claire: Hey everyone! Check your time, it’s now 10:06 in the morning. What a beautiful time for us to start this beautiful day! I have your beautiful soul right in front of me.

For those who don’t know who our special guest for today is, he’s a Filipino performer, producer, songwriter, emerging tastemaker in music, and in fashion.

Oh guys, this is gonna be great! Vocalist and dancer of the global P-Pop sensation SB19, also known as Ken. Breakthrough Artist of the Year 2022 with Wish Music Awards and the Best Male Celebrity Dancer PH Choice Awards 2022 and so much more. You know what? Let me just have him on. Hi, Felip!

Felip: Thank you so much for having me here today.

DJ Claire: How’s everything so far? Because you’ve been in Cebu for a while now, yeah?

Felip: [Speaks in Bisaya] Yeah, we got here the previous night.

DJ Claire: Oh wow, you really are Bisdak! (A colloquial term for Native Bisaya; Etymology: bisaya + dako /big/)

Felip: Yes, I’m Bisaya.

DJ Claire: Isn’t that awesome? So, I want to know how your journey has been. How did you start off from being this person just doing your own thing and then after that, boom, [you’ve become] a sensation!

Felip: It began with a friend who now happens to be a co-member in SB19. He approached me and asked if I wanted to join. So I auditioned, got in, and completed our five-member group. Our career has been consistent since then. We’re incredibly thankful and blessed to be where we are now.

DJ Claire: Did you ever have an idea, when your group started, that you would become big and perform internationally? Did you expect that?

Felip: No. Actually until now, when I take a shower, I suddenly get reminded about how lucky we are. That, out of all the millions of people in the Philippines, it’s the five of us who got this opportunity.

DJ Claire: Yeah, exactly.

Felip: It is such a great blessing, so I’m incredibly thankful for it and of course, for the unwavering support of my fans.

DJ Claire: We’re also incredibly grateful to have you here. You know what, guys? He’s incredibly down-to-earth. No frills, no fancy stuff. He’s just sitting here and talking with us. I wasn’t expecting this. We see you all over social media– you have this grit and confidence– but in person, you’re so kind and nice.

Felip: Thank you so much.

DJ Claire: Felip, I want to know. For everything that you’ve done so far, I think what people don’t see is the training and practice that it takes to be you. They only see the glamorized version of you. What’s something unexpected about your industry that most people wouldn’t know?

Felip: [How] we started. I mean, I was personally struggling financially during the training phase. Funds were barely enough for food and transportation, leaving nothing extra. That was the challenge despite being under a company. Financial support wasn’t really provided. [You’d think otherwise], but that’s not true because it was just a small company. That made it difficult for me to contribute something to the person who generously offered me a place to stay. Super embarrassing! That was the biggest hurdle.

DJ Claire: And look at you now! You’re doing your own thing.

Felip: Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m one of the luckiest.

DJ Claire: And you know what? We’re super lucky [to have you here]. So many of your fans really waited. Oh my gosh, guys.

Felip: Yeah, they’re downstairs. I hope they’ve eaten already.

DJ Claire: See? That’s how sweet he is! Have you guys eaten? For those who are listening here in the studio downstairs, Felip cares for you.

So speaking of care, I want to know the journey behind the persona that you have. From being [a part] of a very popular global P-Pop group, what made you decide it was time to express yourself [as a solo artist]? “This is my year. I want to do my own thing”. How did that transition come about?

Felip: It started during the pandemic. You know how we were all cooped up indoors with nothing much to do, so I had to look for a diversion. I had an application on my phone that allowed music composition, so that’s where I made my first song. I still use it for creating music to this day- the demos and all.

I never really planned to release it. I performed it during our concert, and to my surprise, the fans loved it. They asked me to release a studio version. They didn’t expect that I would make a music video. The level of their support, love, and care is beyond me so I wanted to make them happy. I wanted to give [them something] back. To make them happy.

It was my least favorite song, actually. But since they liked it, [I had to give it to them]. Whatever would make them happy.

DJ Claire: So that was your brainchild, as they call it. Something you brought forth [into this world]. [Now] let’s move forward to how COM.PLEX, your other so-called baby, came to be.

Felip: Yeah.

DJ Claire: Woah. Incredible, huh? I mean, even the title is already impressive on its own. One could immediately tell that it’s going to be [full of] twists and turns, and rhythm and poetry. How did it come to be? Why [choose to name it] COM.PLEX?

Felip: COM.PLEX because it talks about the complexities of an individual. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. We all face moments of disappointment and insecurity. But what we might not realize is that these very insecurities can be transformed into powerful tools. We simply need to learn how to harness them.

And COM.PLEX , if you listen to the full EP, can also refer to the complexities of the sound.

DJ Claire: Oh, do you mean the production?

Felip: It’s a rollercoaster of sounds, kinda. [Each track] has a different vibe.

DJ Claire: And that was done on purpose?

Felip: Yeah, I did it on purpose.

DJ Claire: Do you recommend that we listen to it chronologically? Or can we play a track at random?

Felip: I think it’s better to listen to it in its chronological order because it has a story.

DJ Claire: Oh, so even when you first thought about the EP, it already has a story behind it.

Felip: Yeah, but it’s still up to them. Whichever [track] they want to listen to first. [In the end], it’s all the same.

DJ Claire: Oh wow, it’s incredible. We’re so happy that we get to see something like that happening very soon!

I also want to ask – because I love the drip, I love the style, I love everything. SUPERIORSON? Ugh, that is crazy! Mind-blowing, huh?

So before we move on [and talk about] this one single, [tell us] how  SUPERIORSON came to be? Has dressing up always been something innate for you? Has the need to express yourself been there for a long time?

Felip: Yeah, it goes back to my high school days. Even when I looked downright unkempt, I still had a strong urge to wear what I wanted. I experimented with whatever I had in my closet despite the limitations. I was confident [with what I wore] every day.

So even before, I was into dressing up even though it wasn’t much. Looking back at old photos, [I can’t help but think] how awful I looked! Until now, I’m absolutely in love with fashion.

DJ Claire: To the point where you have your own streetwear brand.

Felip: You know, wearing what you like will set your mood. And the idea behind SUPERIORSON- I wanted to create a clothing line that reflects what I wear, to share that feeling of confidence that I get from it, with my fans.

DJ Claire: We love seeing you express yourself. You’re helping people do the same, especially those who never thought it possible. I believe putting on a persona can make you feel you could take on the world. It’s like a mask of some kind.

Speaking of doing things, the complexities of all the struggles that you have now- [let’s talk about] “STRAYDOGS.” Let’s get right into it. Tell me about this single.

Felip: Hmm, “STRAYDOGS.”

Basically when you’re a public figure, not everyone will like you, right? Some people get offended by things you say or do, even if that wasn’t your intention, because they just don’t vibe with you.

It’s normal as an artist. You might even get thrown some hate. I personally don’t let it bother me. If that’s how they take it, I try to understand. As long as I’m confident I haven’t caused them harm, I choose to ignore it.

DJ Claire: The haters?

Felip: I guess you could say that, but not all of them are. There are those who simply don’t connect with what I do. That’s why I focus on staying true to myself, while still being mindful of other people’s feelings and making sure I don’t hurt anyone along the way. 

DJ Claire: True, that’s what’s important.

Felip: So I made “STRAYDOGS” to convey the message that no matter what people throw at you, you just have to stay true to yourself.

DJ Claire: I love that. 

Felip: That’s it. It’s a simple concept.

DJ Claire: Not really. It does have a deep meaning behind it. So I’m really glad that we’re able to talk about something as in-depth and as complex as “STRAYDOGS.” It’s comparable to the stray dogs we have in the streets.

Felip: Like when you walk by and they just start barking at you [for no reason]. You know exactly what I mean.

DJ Claire: So this one goes out to you being a hundred percent yourself, not paying them any mind. That is what “STRAYDOGS” is about.

Felip: Yeah. That despite those things, you keep your confidence.

DJ Claire: What makes you so confident?

Felip: Because I know myself best and I know what I can offer. If I can’t do something, I hone it until my own time comes. When I can’t do it, I give myself time. I practice until I’m capable.

It’s just like I said: work on your insecurities first. Keep practicing, even if it was a disappointment you’ve faced in the past. So by the time your opportunity comes, you’ll be fully prepared to show them what you’ve got. There will be a time when you will feel confident, even though it seemed impossible at first.

DJ Claire: What do you have to say to those who think they need a little more confidence? How did you come to be so confident? [Because even] after all the practice and hard work, doesn’t it also have something to do with your mental attitude? That you have to believe in yourself and stuff like that. Do you have something to say that could help them out?

Felip: I don’t really know.

DJ Claire: So it’s pure confidence.

Felip: I mean, I’m confident because I know I’ve honed my skills, and that gives me a sense of assurance. Think of it this way: facing a performance unprepared leads to anxiety, you feel small. But when you’re fully ready, confidence takes hold. So, for me, it all comes down to being prepared.

DJ Claire: So when you were on an international stage, did you still feel anxious?

Felip: Yes, being on stage will always feel like it’s a first.

DJ Claire: Even local?

Felip: Even local.

DJ Claire: You still get anxious?

Felip: Yup, that doesn’t go away.

DJ Claire: So what do you do with that?

Felip: I think the complete absence of anxiety should itself be a cause for anxiety.

DJ Claire: Really?

Felip: Yeah.

DJ Claire: The absence of anxiety may be the very reason you should be anxious. That’s mind-boggling!

Felip: Yeah, don’t you think so? Because [it means] there’s no more room for improvement. I don’t know. That’s just what I think. [In other words], you think you already have it all figured out, so you think everything’s going to be a breeze.

DJ Claire: That’s not you. That’s not how you vibe. That’s not how you roll.

Felip: I would personally still feel anxious. Even on my millionth stage, I suspect anxiety will still be there.

DJ Claire: At the end of the day, we’re only human, yeah? I love that.

Felip: Yeah.

DJ Claire: How was Cebu? Have you been to any stages lately? Did it make you feel anxious?

Felip: This is my fourth visit to Cebu. I’m happy. It feels great to be surrounded by people who speak Bisaya. I hear it everywhere.

DJ Claire: Does it feel that different [in Manila]?

Felip: It’s different. Totally. Sometimes, I would even stutter when speaking Bisaya because I would unintentionally mix in Tagalog.

DJ Claire: Well you’re pretty much right at home! Everybody loves that you’re here in Cebu. Please come back to Cebu. We’ll always welcome you with open arms.

Felip: Yes, I would absolutely love to return here. Soon! When there’s an opportunity.

DJ Claire: Oh yeah! Attention organizers, this is your moment to step up. But honestly, Felip,  before we dive into the segment I’ve created just for you—this is the only time that we’re actually doing something called the Red Hot Rhythm Hot Seat—[let’s talk about] your fans outside. Oh my gosh! I bet they’re not just outside! They’ve been waiting for you since 6 am, that’s crazy!

They were asking even before my shift started, “Ate DJ, will you be the one doing the interview?” (/Á · te/ Literally means older sister, but can also be used to address strangers or acquaintances that are slightly older. It’s both a sign of respect and endearment.)

I mean that dedication truly shows their love and support. So, Felip, do you have anything that you’d like to say to them, both here and listening in?

Felip: First of all, that kind of effort – just for being here so early. Even I personally hate waking up this early, so seeing all of them here so early is incredible in itself. They’re here at 6 am just to see me, even though I’m only here for an interview and have another scheduled commitment later. That just seeing me is enough.

That effort? Words can’t express how grateful I am. Even for something seemingly small, they came to see me. That alone tells me how much they love and care. I am so incredibly grateful for all of you. Thank you so much.

DJ Claire: Thank you to all the fans that are here. That’s so crazy! It’s incredible to see love and support for you all the way out here in Cebu. Cebu loves you so much. You deserve all the success coming your way, and much more!

Now, before we jump into the Red Hot Rhythm Hot seat, is there anything exciting you have in the works that we can look forward to?

Felip: Actually, I do have a mall show in Ayala Malls, Manila Bay on Sunday. Is it tomorrow? Yup. So that’s 6 pm, if you want to party with us and enjoy. Watch me perform my COM.PLEX EP live. We’ll see each other there.

Of course, I have one more music video to release on February 10, so make sure to check it out. And my EP has been released so just listen to it on my YouTube channel.

DJ Claire: Cebu, let’s go! To the dedicated fans who want to follow him all the way to Manila, we encourage you.

Right now, we’re very happy to have you here on that seat, so we’re gonna put you in our Red Hot Rhythm Hot seat. It’s very easy. I’m just here to ask you a few more  quickfire questions. [Say] whatever comes to your mind. Let’s go!

Felip: Alright, let’s do it.

DJ Claire: Alright! Ladies and gentlemen, Cebu and the rest of the world, welcome the Red Hot Rhythm Hot seat with Felip. Starting in 3, 2, 1.

Singing or dancing?

Felip: Singing.

DJ Claire: Beach or mountain?

Felip: Beach.

DJ Claire: Ice cream or halo-halo?

Felip: Halo-halo. (Literally translates to “mixed”. A popular cold dessert in the Philippines)

DJ Claire: Blonde or brown hair?

Felip: Blonde.

DJ Claire: Superman or batman?

Felip: Batman.

DJ Claire: Favorite time of the day?

Felip: 3 pm.

DJ Claire: 3 pm? Wow. Most attractive part of a person?

Felip: Lips.

DJ Claire: Lips? Love it. Cravings right now?

Felip: Lechon. (Spit-roasted pig over charcoal and flavored with oil and spices. Fun fact: It is believed that Cebu has the best lechon in the Philippines)

DJ Claire: Lechon? You guys know [what to do]. Dream collab?

Felip: Post Malone.

DJ Claire: Post Malone? Let’s go! New year’s resolution?

Felip: [You] do you.

DJ Claire: Yes! Last one. Simple or complex?

Felip: Complex.

DJ Claire: Let’s go! Thank you so much, Felip. This has been amazing. Wooh! Before we go on to launch your EP, [any] last words? Do you want to thank people or ask them to follow [you on] anything? I’ll give the mic to you.

Felip: To those who want to know more about me, just search me up on all social media platforms. That’s @felipsuperior. You’ll also see my music videos on my YouTube channel- just search FELIP on YouTube. Yeah, just search me up on any social media platforms to be updated about my happenings.

DJ Claire: Thank you so much, Felip. You know what, we’re going to be featuring all the things we talked about in our highlights so you can check out our YouTube channel, Y101FM. We’re gonna be posting it next month.

Thank you so much for being here! Thank you so much for your entire team and for bringing your fans here to Y101. We’re so excited to launch “STRAYDOGS” live on radio. We’ll do a countdown if you’re okay with that? From 5 to 1?

Felip: Yeah!

DJ Claire: Alright, let’s do that. Felip, in 5, 4…

Felip: 3, 2, 1. Let’s go!


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